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  • #3937787

    What are the most cost-effective SIEM costs available for SMBs?

    by fyrebyrd33 ·

    Hi everyone!

    Does anyone know cybersecurity providers with SIEM tools for SMB’s at cost-effective prices?

    [i]Recommendation for one such company removed by moderator.[/i]

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    • #3940357
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      Re: SIEM-tool

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to What are the most cost-effective SIEM costs available for SMBs?

      I had to look up the meaning of SIEM, so for the benefit of other readers: it’s Security Information and Event Management.

      Were you really telling that the sales department of the company you mentioned couldn’t tell you about the services, tools and support they offered and the price of those? That seems a reason to go and search another one.

      What particular services and tools are you interested in, and what IT-infrastructure does your SMB-company have ?

      • #3940349

        SIEM costs

        by fyrebyrd33 ·

        In reply to Re: SIEM-tool

        I have not yet asked the them about their SIEM tool cost. On various sites, people have recommended the company for the quality and cost-effectiveness of their services.

        So I want to know if anyone in the community knows about the products of utmstack(dot)com and other SIEMs prices. This information will help me evaluate the best SIEM tool for my medium company.

        [i]Link removed by moderator.[/i]

    • #3945959

      Cost effective SIEM

      by lts_secure ·

      In reply to What are the most cost-effective SIEM costs available for SMBs?

      LTS Secure SIEM is a cloud-native security operations center (SOC) solution that automatically analyzes and correlates threat alert data to help SOC analysts more efficiently discover and resolve meaningful threats.
      Contact here:

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