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  • #2081025

    why piracy law be same on all the world


    by econaveed ·

    hi every body
    as i it professional and a citizen of developing country (pakistan) i know the people my country and of many other nations have no powers to buy softwares on same rates as of developed nations.
    then why should the vendors not give relife to people which led the people to have pyrated software?

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    • #3753275

      Sounds Unfair but whole world same

      by al macintyre ·

      In reply to why piracy law be same on all the world

      why ANY law be same on all the world

      Pakistan is a member of the United Nations which is like an embodiment of a collection of international laws ratified by various nations, in which not all nations have agreed to all laws … like those nuclear regulatory people in Iraq are there partly because a former government of Iraq agreed to the treaty against the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

      I could be mistaken but I believe that India & Pakistan did not sign this treaty, so you are free to have a nuclear arms race without UN interference.

      Computer Piracy is a variation on this … there are laws about intellectual property that have gone through international treaties & either Pakistan signed the treaties or you did not. These treaties are for ever, you can’t get out of them … like states in the USA cannot leave the union, like they can in Canada & other nations.

      To a certain extent, for your countrymen to be buying software developed in other nations, you are suppressing your own economy. The computer economy of South Africa is particulary strong now because they were boycotted for so long because of apartheid … they could not get computer technology from the west so they had to develop their own.

      If you do not develop your own, you will forever be at the mercy of nations whose viewpoints do not match your culture & religion.

      Now software companies want customers & deals can be worked out or forced through treaty. Like AIDS medicines to Africa at vastly reduced pricing … this came about because G7 nation leaders threatened to drop intellectual property rights on drug company patents in nations not being served because they could not afford the high prices.

      This is more a matter of international laws & how they are governed than fairness to individual users of the products.

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