30 of the geekiest car decals and stickers ever
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Pokemon Go Teams
Have you gotten caught up in Pokemon Go fever? (It’s OK — we have too.)
Show some Pokemon Go team pride with one of these vinyl decals. You can get all three — Team Valor, Team Mystic, and Team Instinct — for just $4 on Etsy.
Hold the Door
Hodor Hodor Hodor. Hodor! Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor. $Hodor Hodor Hodor (Translation: Starts at $4 on Etsy)
Critical Hit!
Love D&D? It’s all fun and games until … this happens.
This is $12.99 at ThinkGeek.
Star Trek Family Decal
Show your true Federation colors with this Star Trek: TNG twist on those annoying family decals. This includes 33 decals, including the Borg … in case you were recently assimilated. $14.99 on ThinkGeek.

Pokemon Go Frequent Stop Warning
Pokemon Go Frequent Stop Warning
Hopping around town from Pokestop to Pokestop? Let other drivers know you’re a dedicated trainer with this cute, tongue-in-cheek warning decal.
You can find it on Etsy for $8.99.
My Zombie Ate Your Honor Student
After all, your honor student has such big brainssssssss! This lovely sticker starts at $2.99 on BuildASign.
You Shall Not Pass!
Channel your inner Gandalf and make the road hogs tremble. Starts at $4 on Etsy.
Star Wars AT-AT
The AT-ATs are the coolest armored transports in any galaxy, and now they can represent your family. The price starts at $5.67 for the smallest size on eBay.
Vote Vader 2016
If you feel like sometimes you’re voting for the lesser of two evils, why settle? Throw your hat in the ring for the ultimate evil–the man who won’t hesitate to use The Force. $6 on Etsy.
+5 Car of Driving
Just imagine the damage this magical item can inflict. It’s $24.99 for a 10-pack on CafePress.

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak
Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak
The Hogwarts way of telling off tailgaters. $2.99 on BumperStickerz.
Loading Bar
Great for those loading zones. Get it? Loading??? Nevermind. $4.29 on CafePress.

Star Trek: The Original Series Family Decals
Star Trek: The Original Series Family Decals
Your Spock-Uhura fan fiction is now a reality on your car. $14.99 gets you 32 stickers, Tribbles and all, from ThinkGeek.
Inigo Montoya
The greatest introduction of all time is succinct yet informative. $2.99 on BumperStickerz.
Yo, Underoos! Your car can be the young Avenger’s latest hangout. $4.05 on Amazon.
Saul Goodman “LWYRUP”
When you want your neighbors to know that you’ve got Saul Goodman on your side. Starts at $3 on Redbubble.
Harry Potter Just Married
Newlyweds, emblazon this Maurader’s Map-inspired “Just Married” decal on your rear window. $25 on Etsy.
I (Heart) (Heart) The Doctor
Because two-hearted Time Lords need love too. $2.95 on Nani?Wear.
Supernatural Driver's Rules
Look, we don’t make the rules, but you need to abide by them in the Impala. $2.95 on Nani?Wear.
World of Warcraft "kek"
World of Warcraft fans will have the last laugh with this sticker. $5.99 for the large on CafePress.
The Answer Is 42
Boom! You’ve got your answer to life, the universe, and everything for only $4.29 on CafePress.
Also check out: The 50 coolest laptop stickers of all time and 32 T-shirts so geeky only IT pros will get them
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