5 insanely cool robots (photos)
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ntHere are some of the latest creations from iRobot that you’d love to have but never could afford – unless you join the army. Read the post and see the videos.
ntThe SUGV (Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle) is a tactical mobile robot developed by iRobot and Boeing that gathers intelligence while humans are a safe distance away.
ntThe 320SUGV at work.
ntThe SeaGlider is a submarine robot that can work underwater for up to 7 months. It can be controlled from an iPad.
ntThe SeaGlider measures temperatures, salinity, and other qualities of the ocean then uses a satellite phone to send in the data.
ntThe configurable Warrior is basically a Lego Mindstorm for those with Bill Gates’s or Uncle Sam’s budget.
ntIt can even be used as a plow. How would you like that for the winter in the north?
ntThe PacBot has been around for a while – saving many lives in Iraq. It’s thermal camera will provide images in complete darkness, smoke obscured areas and battlefields.
ntThe 80-inch arm extender lets the operator examine potential dangers from a relatively safe distance.
ntThe Negotiator is a smaller robot that can sneak into tight spaces.
ntMonitoring the progress of the Negotiator.