A call to arms with a parade of MMORPG avatars
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This is my level 48 Undead Warlock in Word of Warcraft showing off his demon mount. The Warlock goes by the name Unrependant.rn
rnHi-Oh! Silver!
Another shot of my trusty demon steed.
Preparing to ride out toward an unknown adventure in the Swamp of Sorrows.
Waiting for my party to finish their shopping; having enough food and water for the upcoming adventure is always a good idea.
Unrependant awakens. I gave him the name because of a song by Steve Earle — “He’ll stand up and take the blame, because someone has got to do it.”
Unfortunately, the undead don’t spell well.
A close up - pretty he ain’t. Of course he is undead and fights for the Horde side of the World of Warcraft universe. As with most MMORPGs there is an overarching conflict your character must contend with.
Unrependant with is trusty pet, the demon Voidwalker.
This little guy is also a Warlock, but he fights for the Alliance side. His name is Elkwinkarma. He’s a level 28 Gnome.
This is Ramekinwalk, a level 18 Night Elf rogue fighting for the Alliance. She is still young so here clothes are a little tattered.
That’s the Great Forge in Ironforge behind Ramekinwalk. It is one of the more impressive sights in World of Warcraft.
This dwarf with a drinking problem (what dwarf doesn’t) is my level 22 hunter Kenirk and his pet snow leopard DJ.
That is the grand entrance to Ironforge behind Kenirk.
This surely fellow is Newkirkmaal, a level 28 Shaman Orc fighting for the Horde.
Newkirkmaal is hanging out in the lush lands of Hillsbrand, where lots of Horde vs. Alliance battles take place. Note his nice big hammer; perfect for pounding Gnomes.
Orcs aren’t pretty, but the Mohawk makes the man (or Orc).

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