Are aliens on our sun? (gallery)
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ntCould NASA videos break through the cloaking device of a planet-sized alien spacecraft that’s moving close to our sun? Apparently, if closely viewed, a short video of the sun from NASA, posted by Sunsflare on YouTube, shows a strange funnel or hose or something extending from the sun’s surface to what appears to be a circular object that is about the size of a planet.
ntTheories suggest it might be an alien spacecraft or maybe it’s a Black Hole about to engulf the sun.
ntThis gallery is a tease of some of the most recent spotting of aliens near the sun. A search on YouTube shows that there have been several videos of aliens at the sun posted over the last few years. All the photos and video stills are from NASA.
ntCredit: NASA
ntAnd of course with Photoshop and tinted images almost anything comes to life.
ntCredit: NASA
ntHere’s an even larger closeup of the “ship.”
ntTo spoil the fun, The Sun Today” website, identifies it as just a solar prominence. NASA says a prominence occurs when cooler clouds of plasma hover above the Sun’s surface, and are tethered by magnetic forces.
ntCredit: NASA
ntOn Dec. 1, 2012, NASA’s Heliospheric Imager-1 telescope produced a video of a huge coronal mass ejection (CME). The short video made it to YouTube where an object near the center is identified as an alien ship. The bright object in the middle is Mercury and the mysterious object is to its right – a little less bright. This “ship” appeared very briefly (probably less than a second) in a video of a coronal mass ejection (CME).
ntCredit: NASA
ntNow we have to put Photoshop to work and enlarge the two – Mercury and the unknown object. The object appears to be about the same size as Mercury – similiar to the previous one sucking from the sun? Note how the object appears to be blocking debris from the outburst.
ntCredit: NASA
ntHere is an even larger view of the alien “spacecraft.”
ntNASA says it isn’t a spacecraft though. It’s merely a “a visual after-effect or ghost artifact of Mercury,” according to an article on Huffington Post.
ntCredit: NASA
ntBut wait there’s more…on March 12 to the present, skygazers have looked at the video and stills from NASA’s SOHO project and noticed something odd on the surface of the sun – an equalateral triangle.
ntCould this be a figment of imagination produced by Photoshop? The video and other images were easy to find on NASA’s site. The one shown is one that I captured.
ntOne narrator noted that the triangle was located near the center of the sun so it was a portal for a stargate that would go right through it (for the alien ships, of course). Another theory that popped up on YouTube was that aliens are building an enormous pyramid.
ntCredit: NASA
ntOf course, we have to use Photoshop to get a closer look.
ntCredit: NASA
ntIt’s seen here on March 13 through a different filter. Credit: NASA
ntThe triangle was still there on March 15.
ntCredit: NASA
ntA few days later, March 16, 2012, the triangle was still seen in photos from other NASA satellites – Solar Teresstrial Relations Observation (STEREO). STEREO are two satellites that can take 3D images of objects in space. They are primarily used for space weather forecasting. NASA points out that the quality is not as good as photos from other satellites.
ntCredit: NASA
ntThere’s a new photo from March 16 which suggests that the strange object might be turning into a trapezoid.
ntCredit: NASA
ntHere’s another recent phenomenom for you theorists – a giant prominence that hovered over the sun for about 2 days from January 16-18, 2012 and stretches about 500,000 kilometers.
ntCredit: NASA