BlackBerry DevCon
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ntThe big announcement of the conference was BBX — RIM’s merging of BlackBerry OS with QNX.
ntDevelopers will be able to target the platform using C/C++ or via HTML5 packages.
Tomb Raider
ntThe vast majority of the keynote’s demonstrations were of games — they showed off the hardware acceleration that the PlayBook is capable of.
ntThis application takes advantage of WebGL and ran quite nicely.
ntCascades is a UI framework coupled with RIM’s new Native SDK, which uses C++ to create interfaces, such as this photo-viewing application that has the photos fall onto the screen as the user scrolls through.
Cascades for business
ntThis Cascades application analyses a user’s communication sources.
Citrix Receiver
ntCitrix showed its Citrix Receiver, which allows PlayBook users to use a virtual Windows Desktop and run virtual applications. After all the games were shown during the keynote it was nice to have a useful application aimed squarely at BlackBerry’s traditional users.
ntThis game was created using Abode AIR.
Android runtime
ntThis pool application was created for Android and uses BBX’s Android runtime.
BBX frameworks
ntAn overview of the frameworks and APIs available for BBX.
HDMI output
ntUsing the PlayBook’s HDMI output, attendees were able to play games on televisions and use the PlayBook as a steering wheel. While fine in theory, it was actually easier to look at the PlayBook in practice.
Beetroot, pineapple and egg
ntWhile it may have been subliminal to most attendees, they were exposed to the delight of having beetroot, egg and pineapple on a burger.
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