Convert your existing Windows XP system into a virtual machine
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Run your Windows XP system in Windows 8 with VMware
In a recent series of articles culminating with MakernUSB devices accessible to a Windows XP virtual machine, I showed you how torncreate a Windows XP virtual machine in Windows 8 using the built-in ClientrnHyper-V tool. I’ve received quite a few emails about that series and severalrnpeople have asked about the possibility of converting their existing Windows XPrninstallation into a virtual machine. I’ve also had several people ask me aboutrnthe possibility of running Windows XP from a VHD in a dual-boot configurationrnsimilar to the one that I showed you in the article InstallrnWindows 8.1 Preview in a dual-boot configuration using a VHD.
Unfortunately, Windows XP was created way before nativernbooting from VHDs was commonplace and as such, the operating system isrnincapable of booting from from a standalone VHD. However, the technology doesrnexist for taking a physical Windows XP system and converting it into a virtualrnmachine. In fact, there are products from Microsoft and other mainstreamrnvendors that will allow you to perform such an operation with relative ease.
I have recently been investigating converting Windows XPrninto a virtual machine using VMware’s freernproducts vCenter Converter Standalone and VMware Player and have beenrnthoroughly impressed with both the process and the results. Using the vCenterrnConverter, I converted a live Windows XP system into a set of virtual machinernfiles. I then copied those files over to a Windows 8 system and used VMwarernPlayer to run a fully functional Windows XP virtual machine.
In this article, I’ll show you how to use these VMwarernproducts to convert your existing Windows XP system into a virtual machine andrnthen run it in Windows 8. As I do, I’ll walk you step-by-step through thernentire operation. Along the way, I’ll point out some problems that I encounteredrnand show you how to work through them.
Understanding the licensing
As you may have guessed, when moving an operating systemrnfrom one computer to another, you need to be concerned with licensing issues.rnSo, before you can begin this procedure, there are a few caveats that you needrnto be aware of.
When you download the vCenter Converter or the VMwarernPlayer, you’ll need to fill out a registration form and agree to a EULA, whichrnincludes the following sections pertaining to operating systems:
- rn
- 1.3 “Guest Operatingrn Systems” means instances of third-party operating systems licensed byrn You, installed in a Virtual Machine, and run using the Software.
- 3.4 Guest Operatingrn Systems. Certain Software allows Guest Operating Systems and applicationrn programs to run on a computer system. You acknowledge that You arern responsible for obtaining and complying with any licenses necessary torn operate any such third-party software.
In other words, it’s up to you to determine whether you havernproper licensing to simultaneously run more than one copy of Windows XP using arnVolume License Key or whether you have the proper licensing to transfer WindowsrnXP from one system to another. Keep in mind that you can only transfer a Retailrnlicense that you acquired by purchasing a Windows XP disc, not an OEM licensernthat you acquired by purchasing a computer with Windows XP preinstalled. (AnrnOEM license is specifically tied to that computer.)
You can investigate a PDF version of the WindowsrnXP Professional license agreement (EULA) (PDF)rnfound on Microsoft’s Download page, which includes the following sectionsrnpertaining use and transfer:
- rn
- Section 1 – Grant ofrn License, You may install, use, access, display and run one copy of thern Product on a single computer, such as a workstation, terminal or otherrn device (“Workstation Computer”).
- Section 4 – Transfer, Yourn may move the Product to a different Workstation Computer. After thern transfer, you must completely remove the Product from the formerrn Workstation Computer.
rnrnIn some cases, when yourntransfer a Windows XP Retail license to another computer, Product Activationrnprompts you to call Microsoft for validation. In other cases, you can simplyrnactivate online.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Installing vCenter Converter is a simple process using the installation wizard
Begin with a backup
Even though converting your Windows XP system with vCenterrnConverter is a completely safe operation, you’ll want to make sure that yournhave a full backup or a disk image of your Windows XP system before you start.rnThat way if something does go wrong, you can restore your Windows XP system andrnget right back to work.
You can use Windows XP’s Backup Utility or a third-partyrndisk imaging tool. To create a disk image of my Windows XP test system, I used MacriumrnReflect Free Edition, which yourncan download from the CNET site.
Just to be onrnthe safe side, you may also want to back up all your data on CD/DVD or on anrnexternal hard disk. While it may sound like overkill, having an extra backup ofrnyour data will give you peace of mind.
Getting and installing the VMware tools
Once you havernbacked up your Windows XP system, you can go to VMware’s Products page andrndownload the latest version (5.1) of the vCenter Converter Standalone. You can then download the latest version (4.0) of the VMware Player on you Windowsrn8 system. Both the converter andrnthe Player are free to use in a non commercial environment.
rnrnAs I mentioned, for my example I’ll be using two computers: One, runningrnWindows XP and one running Windows 8. Installation of both products was arnbreeze. You can install vCenter Converter on Windows XP using the installation wizardrnshown in Figure A.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
While your Windows XP system is being converted, you can install the VMware Player
Oncernthe installation is complete, you can immediately launch vCenter Converter. Whilernthe conversion is under way, you can go to the Windows 8 system and install thernVMware Player using its installation wizard, shown in Figure B.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
You begin the conversion procedure from the Welcome screen
Keep in mindrnthat you cannot install VMware Player on a Windows 8 system that is runningrnClient Hyper-V. If you happen to have Client Hyper-V installed on your Windowsrn8 system, you’ll need to disable it by opening an Administrator Command promptrnand using the command:
bcdedit /setrnhypervisorlaunchtype off
You’ll then needrnto reboot. You can then install VMware Player.
If you want tornuse Client Hyper-V in the future, you’ll use the following command to re-enablernit:
bcdedit /setrnhypervisorlaunchtype auto
You’ll thenrnneed to reboot.
Converting your Windows XP system
rnrnConverting your Windows XPrnsystem into a virtual machine is essentially a four-step operation. When yournlaunch the vCenter Converter, you’ll see the Welcome screen and canrnbegin the conversion procedure by clicking the Convert Machine button on therntoolbar or by clicking the icon on the screen, as shown in Figure C.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
The first order of business is identifying the source machine
Oncernthe Conversion wizard launches, you’ll be prompted to specify the source forrnthe virtual machine. From the Select source type drop-down menu, choosernPowered-on machine. Then, select the Thisrnlocal machine radio button, as shown in Figure D. To continue, click the Next button.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
You then specify the destination for the virtual machine files
Onrnthe next screen, you’ll specify the destination for the virtual machine files,rnas shown in Figure E. From thernSelect destination type drop-down menu, choose VMware Workstation or otherrnVMware virtual machine. From the Select VMware product drop-down menu, choosernVMware Player 4.0.x. Then, in the Name text box, provide a name for yourrnvirtual machine. Finally, click the Browse button adjacent to the Select a locationrnfor the virtual machine text box and specify a folder or drive, such as anrnexternal device or a network, on which to save the virtual machine files.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Yellow exclamation icons identify settings that may need adjustments
Whenrnyou get to the options screen, you’ll see a list of settings that thernConversion wizard will use to create your Windows XP virtual machine. If yournsee yellow exclamation icons next to any of the settings, you’ll want torninvestigate. Otherwise, you can leave the majority of the settings in therndefault configuration. As you can see in FigurernF, my example system is showing that the Memory, Advanced options, andrnCustomize the Guest OS settings may need adjustments.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
The conversion wizard will adjust the amount of memory to accommodate
WhenrnI click Edit in the Devices section, the Conversion wizard indicates that thernmemory allocated for the virtual machine is less than what is in the actualrnphysical machine, as shown in Figure G.rnThat’s because the Conversion wizard assumes that the virtual machine will bernrunning on the physical machine and purposely reduces the amount of memory sornthat both host and virtual machine can run on this particular system. In thisrncase, my physical Windows XP system has 2GB of memory, so the Conversion wizardrndrops the amount of memory allocated to the virtual machine down to 1840MB.rnHowever, since I’ll be running this virtual machine on my Windows 8 system,rnwhich has 8GB of memory, I’ll adjust the memory back up to 2GB.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
You'll want to configure the Networks section to use NAT connection type
You’ll have to adjust your memory setting according to yourrnsystem. However, keep in mind that you can also adjust memory allocation in thernVMware Player.
rnrnNow, even though there isn’trna yellow exclamation icon next to the Networks section, you’ll want to make anrnadjustment there as well. As you can see in Figure H, you’ll want to change the Connection Type setting fromrnBridged to NAT in order to configure the virtual machine to share the hostrnsystem’s IP address.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Make sure that you select the Install VMware Tools check box
Whenrnyou select Advanced options, you’ll see a warning message at the top of thernscreen, as shown in Figure I, whichrnindicates Conversion wizard is unable to locate the Sysprep files. You canrnignore that message because those files aren’t needed for this type ofrnconversion. However, you should select the Post-conversion tab and then selectrnthe Install VMware Tools check box. Installing the VMware Tools will boostrnperformance and add extra features to the virtual machine. For example,rngraphics performance will be improved, you’ll be able to move the mouse betweenrnthe virtual and host machines without special keystrokes, and copy and pasternoperations between virtual and host machines will be enabled.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
The Summary screen shows all the settings that will be applied to the virtual machine
Whenrnyou get to the Summary screen, shown in FigurernJ, you can look over all the settings that the conversion wizard will usernto create you Windows XP virtual machine. To begin the actual conversion, clickrnFinish.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
The actual conversion procedure can take an hour or more
Keeprnin mind that the conversion operation, shown at 50% in Figure K, can take an hour or more depending on the size of yourrnhard disk. As such, while the conversion operation is under way, you should gornto your Windows 8 system and install the VMware Player.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Select the Open a Virtual Machine command to get started
Using the VMware Player
When the conversion operation is complete, you can transferrnthe virtual machine files to your Windows 8 system. In my example, I connectedrnthe external drive to my Windows 8 system and copied the XP-VM folder, whichrncontained two files, to the root directory. In my case, the two files were thernvirtual machine file Helios-VM.vmdk and virtual disk file Helios-VM.vmx, andrnthey weighed in at about 90.2GB and took a little over an hour to copy to thernhard disk.
rnrnOnce the copy operation isrncomplete, you can launch the VMware Player. When you see the Welcome to VMwarernPlayer screen, select the Open a Virtual Machine command, as shown in Figure L.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
To get started, click the Play virtual machine command
Then,rnlocate and select your virtual machine. As soon as you do so, you’ll see yourrnvirtual machine in a powered-off state, as shown in Figure M. To get started, just click the Play virtual machine command.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
VMware Player will display warning messages
Thernfirst time you launch VMware Player, you may encounter warning messages about devicesrnor drives that were part of your old physical system that are not part of yourrnnew system. For example, Figure Nrnshows a warning message about a parallel port. To prevent VMware Player fromrndisplaying the warning every time you launch the virtual machine, just clickrnNo.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
You should install the VMware Tools
You’llrnthen be prompted to download and install VMware Tools (Figure O). As I mentioned, these tools will provide you with allrnsorts of features that will make running your Windows XP installation as arnvirtual machine much more convenient. So go ahead click the Download andrnInstall button.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Having Windows XP running in VMware Player inside Windows 8 is quite handy
Whenrnyou’re done, you’ll have Windows XP running in VMware Player inside Windows 8,rnas shown in Figure P.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
It took some time to root out the cause of this error
Dealing with existing issues in Windows XP
To thoroughly test the conversion procedure, I convertedrnseveral of my Windows XP test systems into virtual machines. While the majorityrnwent very smooth, I did encounter a painstaking issue with one of my Windows XPrnsystems and it took me quite a while to find a solution. In a nutshell, thernconversion procedure failed at 96% and displayed the following message, asrnshown in Figure Q.
FAILED: Unable to find the system volume, reconfiguration isrnnot possible.
Figure Q
It took some time to root out the cause of this error.
It turned out that I have previously installed Windows 8 inrna dual-boot configuration on this particular Windows XP test system. And evenrnthough I had removed the dual-boot configuration, Windows 8 had left its BootrnManager file and folder behind. Because the Boot folder and the Bootmgr filernhad the Hidden and System attributes enabled, I didn’t know that they werernthere, but the Conversion wizard, expecting to find only Windows XP’s BootrnLoader (NTLDR) aborted the conversion procedure when it also found Windows 8’srnBoot Manager.
The solution was twofold: First I had to delete the Bootrnfolder and the Bootmgr file. Second I had to rebuild the Master Boot Record andrnrecreate the Boot.ini file.
To delete the Boot folder and the Bootmgr file, I had tornboot into SafernMode, log in as Administrator, take ownership of the Bootrnfolder and the Bootmgr file, and assign Full Control permissions to thernAdministrator account. Then, I could simply delete the Boot folder and thernBootmgr file from Windows Explorer.
To rebuild the Master Boot Record and recreate the Boot.inirnfile, I had to boot from the Windows XP CD and launch the RecoveryrnConsole with the Administrator account. Once in the Recovery Console, Irnused the FixMBRrncommand to rebuild the Master Boot Record. I then used the Bootcfgrn/rebuild command to recreate the Boot.ini file.
If you encounter this problem and need further assistance,rnjust drop a note in the Discussion area.
What your take?
rnrnWill you use this techniquernto virtualize your Windows XP system? Have you used VMware vCenter Converter orrnVMware Player before? As always, if you have comments or information to sharernabout this topic, please take a moment to drop by the Discussion area and letrnus hear from you.
rnrnCredit: Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
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