Dancing with the tech stars
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Dancing with the tech stars - Carol Bartz, Yahoo
ntCan’t get enough of u201cDancing with the Starsu201d? ZDNet decided to create a different version — but the stars on this dance floor are tech execs and the dancing, well, you’ll just have to imagine it. Take a look at the contestants and cast your vote to see who should get tossed off the show.
ntThe first contestant, Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz tries to convince a shy dance partner that she knows what she’s doing.
Dancing with the tech stars - Larry Ellison, Oracle
ntOracle chairman Larry Ellison takes time from skipper duties aboard his yacht to take part. He looks very disappointed with his dance card.
Dancing with the tech stars - Steve Ballmer, Microsoft
ntMicrosoft CEO has some experience – doing his u201cMonkey Boyu201d dance recital on stage before a packed house at Microsoft. Maybe he’ll break dance.
Dancing with the tech stars - Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
ntIt’s said that Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg actually turned down an appearance on the real u201cDancing with the Starsu201d in order to compete on our u201cDancing with the tech stars.u201d He plans a different routine. Intrigued by movies and his own depiction on u201cThe Social Network,u201d he will recreate Gene Kelly’s famous dance from u201cSingin’ in the Rain.u201d
Dancing with the tech stars - Meg Whitman
ntThe former eBay chief and political candidate returns to the stage to dance the night away.
Dancing with the tech stars - Tim Cook, Apple
ntApple’s new CEO has done a lot of dancing lately – all the way to the bank to cash his new paychecks and stock options potentially worth $383 million at today’s prices. It is rumored that Tim will perform with an iPad that’s running a new app called u201cDance Partner.u201d
Dancing with the tech stars - Larry Page, Google
ntGoogle co-founder and new CEO Larry Page who will be introduced by fellow Google co-founder Sergei Brin. He plans a song and dance routine.
Dancing with the tech stars - Jonathan Schwartz, Picture of Health and Mitchell Baker, Mozilla Foundation
Dancing with the tech stars - Jonathan Schwartz, Picture of Health and Mitchell Baker, Mozilla Foundation
ntFormer Sun CEO and current Picture of Health chief Jonathan Schwartz and Mozilla Foundation Chairperson Mitchell Baker have been paired but can’t decide on a dance.
Dancing with the tech stars - Safra Catz, Oracle President
ntWith those heels, expect Safra Catz to have a tough time.
Dancing with the tech stars - Eva Chen, Trend Micro
ntTrend Micro CEO is waiting in the wings until her company does a full security scan of her dance partner.