Desktop Wallpaper: The spectacle of underwater photography
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Coral reef
ntMany of the most fascinating places on the Earth lie beneath the surface of the planet’s oceans, which makes for colorful photography and desktop wallpaper.
ntThis gallery was originally published in December 2010.
ntRemember, click the thumbnail image to get the highest resolution version of each image.
ntCredit: NOAA
The abundance of marine life in the NWHI can be seen in this school of Hawaiian squirrelfish at French Frigate Shoals. Photo: James Watt
Credit: NOAA
Giant trevally
Giant trevally along a shallow reef in the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument.
Credit: NOAA
USS Monitor
Credit: NOAA
Gray’s Reef
Soft corals, sponges, and fishes that are typical inhabitants of Gray’s Reef.
Credit: NOAA
A Caribbean spiny lobster
A Caribbean spiny lobster on the sea floor. This photo was shot during a 2010 NOAA expedition in the U.S. Virgin Islands to map underwater habitats and the marine life they support.
Credit: NOAA
Loggerhead turtle
A loggerhead turtle captured on camera during an ‘Aquarius 2010’ dive. During the 10-day mission, students from around the country participated in live broadcasts with Aquanauts based on NOAA’s Aquarius, the world’s only undersea research station.
Credit: NOAA
Sea Anemone
A sea anemone nestled in plate coral and various types of algae. This photo was shot during a 2010 NOAA expedition in the U.S. Virgin Islands to map underwater habitats and the marine life they support.
Credit: NOAA
Spanish hogfish at reef
Credit: NOAA

Feather stars attached to Cordell Bank rocks
Feather stars attached to Cordell Bank rocks
Credit: NOAA

Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
A wide diversity and colorful array of marine life can be found in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. This cunner is one of more than 80 species of sanctuary fish. Credit: Tane Casserley, NOAA; SBNMS file photo.
Credit: NOAA

Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Wolfish
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Wolfish
Credit: NOAA
Aquarius undersea lab
Located 63 feet below the surface in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, the Aquarius undersea lab will serve as the base for a nine-day mission to study corals and marine life.
Credit: NOAA
Deep-sea corals
Deep-sea corals form important habitats for unique and diverse array of marine life. Live bushes of the deep-sea coral, Lophelia, may act like island oases in the deep sea. Photographer: Dr. Ken Sulak, USGS Credit: Life on the Edge 2004 Expedition: NOAA Office of Ocean ExplorationPhotographer: Dr. Ken Sulak, USGS?Credit: Life on the Edge 2004 Expedition: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration
Credit: NOAA
Yellowfin Goatfish
Yellowfin goatfish at Kure Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Credit: NOAA

Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Credit: NOAA
Humpback whales
Humpback whales migrate from near the poles to tropical waters. Photographer: R. Wicklund Credit: OAR/National Undersea Research Program (NURP); University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Credit: NOAA
Sea life on Davidson Seamount
Credit: NOAA
Marine debris
Derelict fishing gear snagged on a coral reef at Pearl and Hermes Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Credit: NOAA
USS Monitor's bow
The wreck of the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor is protected by NOAA’s Monitor National Marine Sanctuary.
Credit: NOAA
Kelp forests
Kelp forests are critical for countless species of fish, invertebrates, seabirds, and mammals.
Credit: NOAA
Ochre sea stars
Ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) are voracious predators in the intertidal zone.
Credit: NOAA
Red lionfish
Credit: NOAA
Atlantic bluefin tuna
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) cruise through the sanctuary during their annual migrations up the eastern seaboard.
Credit: NOAA
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