Dirty computers: Revenge of the dust bunnies
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Very dusty computer
Very dusty computer
Break out the canned air, anti-static wipes, and mini-vacuum–these computers are dust-covered nightmares. It’s hard to tell whether some of the machines in this photo gallery are computers or lint traps. See what happens when the dust bunnies take over.
Compiled by Bill Detwiler
?Cheryl’s computer being attacked by the dust monster
u00a9 Webshots – meggers5
Clogged vents
Keep in mind these are how air gets into my computer to keep it cool.
u00a9 Webshots – ehowlett2
Dirty case mod: Glass side of the case
The grey part is a massive layer of dust covering a fan attached to the case.
Dirty case mod: Front side of case
This is a lot of dust covering the computer case’s front vent.
Dirty case mod: Inside
The ventilation holes are filled with dust, which is not good.
Dust bunny
The dust that was collected from the inside of my computer.
Dusty Case (1 of 9)
Inside a very dusty computer case.
Dusty Case (2 of 9)
Dusty motherboard and cards.
Dusty Case (3 of 9)
A dust pile inside the case.
Dusty Case (4 of 9)
That’s a lot of dust.
Dusty Case (5 of 9)
The processor and fan
Dusty Case (6 of 9)
Processor fan
Dusty Case (7 of 9)
Processor heatsink
Dusty Case (8 of 9)
Misc. cards
Dusty Case (9 of 9)
video card
Dirty keyboard
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