eBay’s San Dimas Project
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eBay San Dimas direct from Web cam to eBay listing feature
eBay’s San Dimas project includes a rich, engaging experience for sellers as well as buyers. In this screenshot gallery, we get a few peeks at eBay’s new user interface built on Adobe’s forthcoming Apollo platform.
In this screenshot, we’re focusing in on San Dimas’ ability to take an image directly from a Web cam and post that image (or images) into an item listing in eBay. As you can see from the user interface, the user can pick the Webcam or a file as the source of the image.
For David Berlind’s write-up on eBay’s San Dimas, see his post in ZDNet’s TestBed blog.
Item history in eBay's San Dimas user interface
Shown here as a part of eBay’s San Dimas project is a more interactive view of a buyer’s history in terms of what items they looked at and when they looked at them.
For David Berlind’s write-up on eBay’s San Dimas, see his post in ZDNet’s TestBed blog.
eBay search results displayed graphically in San Dimas
Displayed here as a part of eBay’s San Dimas UI prototype are a series of images that represent the results of an eBay search. Unlike the forms driven interface of the “current eBay,” the way this works is that as the user clicks on one of the results to the left, the listing appears dynamically in the middle of the screen.
For David Berlind’s write-up on eBay’s San Dimas, see his post in ZDNet’s TestBed blog.
Icons drive eBay's San Dimas prototype
Also a part of the San Dimas interface from eBay is more graphically driven access to common ebay tasks. Some of the icons are even interactive. For example, to add an item to your watch list, you just drag it onto the binoculars. “it” is where users are given instant access to some of the hottest and most interesting items that are currently for sale in the eBay community.
For David Berlind’s write-up on eBay’s San Dimas, see his post in ZDNet’s TestBed blog.
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