Extreme water-cooled PC
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RAID hard disks
A water cooled RAID array
Water-cooling manifold (1 of 2)
Water-cooling manifold (2 of 2)
CPU cooler
Modified Enermax 550
Modified Enermax 550 and CPU cooler
CPU cooling lines
PCI and RAID cards
Looking from back to front
Rear view
This picture shows the large cooling lines running from the back of the PC.
Cooling tower
The external cooling tower with the cover off
Cooling tower reserviour, pump and control electronics
Cooling tower (top view)
Another full view
Bill Detwiler
Bill Detwiler is the Editor for Technical Content and Ecosystem at Celonis. He is the former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic and previous host of TechRepublic's Dynamic Developer podcast and Cracking Open, CNET and TechRepublic's popular online show.
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