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The Fauxto Interface
Take a tour of the new Fauxto interface and some of the features that have just been added.
This is the typical Fauxto interface. It looks a lot like photoshop, or any other photo editor, so people should feel at home using the app.
Fauxto's Save To Web
Fauxto now allows you to save your work directly to the Fauxto site where it can be shared and tagged.
Fauxto Layer Effects
You can add a bunch of effects to individual layers including drop shadow and blur so that you can tailor specific layers exactly how you want them.
Fauxto Opacity and Gradient
Like any good photo editor, you can create gradient backgrounds with Fauxto. You can also set the transparency of the layers so you can create some cool effects. Not quite as powerful as Photoshop, but a great start for a web application.
Fauxto Sharing Area
This is the part of Fauxto that allows you to share your images. You can set up a title, description and tag it then mark it as private or sharable.