Five Apps: Make the best use of your Microsoft Surface tablet while traveling
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Apps on a plane
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As someone who frequently travels, I spend plenty of time on airplanes. Thankfully, I can use my Microsoft Surface tablet to either get things done while I’m in the air, or I can use it as an entertainment device. This gallery highlights five apps that I like to use when I fly. All of the apps listed here can be found in the Windows Store.
1. Business Trip
The Business Trip app is anrnapp that’s designed to help you to stay organized while on business trips. The app lets you define a series of trips, so that you can keep track of which trip is coming up next and where you have been recently. It costs $2.99 (USD), but a free trial isrnavailable for download.

Business Trip destination details
Business Trip destination details
Business Trip allows you to store information such as flightrnand hotel details for each trip.

Business Trip Transportation
Business Trip Transportation
This view shows detailed travel information.

Business Trip Accommodation
Business Trip Accommodation
You can also add expensesrnsuch as meals and entertainment to a trip.

Business Trip Other Expense
Business Trip Other Expense
This view shows all other travel expenses.
Business Trip Report
When you’re done, the apprncan build an expense report based on the information that you’ve provided.

Business Trip report attachment
Business Trip report attachment
There’s even an option tornexport the data to an Excel spreadsheet, and the app keeps the spreadsheetrnassociated with the trip.
2. AirHockey
I actually have several games installed on my Windows 8rnlaptop and on my Surface tablet. The reason why I chose to mention AirHockeyrnis because, unlike my other games, this one allows for two players. I’ve foundrnthat it’s great for those times when I’m flying with my wife and I want tornplay a game, but don’t want to ignore her. AirHockey is set up in a way thatrnallows us to play head-to -head. We are both fiercely competitive and have a lotrnof fun playing air hockey on a long flight.
AirHockey ranking
AirHockey allows you to rank your gameplay.

AirHockey Survival mode
AirHockey Survival mode
You can compare your score to other players.
AirHockey Upgrade
AirHockey is free, but like many free games, AirHockey contains ads. However, you can upgrade to an ad-free version.
AirHockey play mode
In case you are wondering,rnAirHockey does offer a single player mode that allows you to play against therncomputer.
AirHockey in action
Here you can see what the gameplay looks like in AirHockey.
3. FlightAware
FlightAware is an app thatrnI find myself using very frequently. The application is designed to let yourntrack flights.

FlightAware Flight number
FlightAware Flight number
You can look up a flight byrnroute, flight number, tail number, etc.
FlightAware Airport
You can search FlightAware by airport.
FlightAware Arrivals
One of the perils of flyingrnis that sometimes flights run late. A delayed flight can be especiallyrnproblematic if you have to catch a connection.
FlightAware details
If I’m on a flight that’s arriving late and I have a connection to catch, then as soon as the plane lands (and it’s safe to use cell service), I’ll use FlightAware to look up my connection. By doing so, I can find out how much time I have to catch the connection, and what gate it is leaving out of.
FlightAware results
If I’ve already missed a connection, I can use FlightAware to find out what other options exist for getting to my destination.
4. Kindle
Sometimes, a long flight can be the perfect excuse torncatch up on your reading. Of course, most people probably don’t want to weighrndown their carry on with a stack of books. Thanks to Amazon’s Kindle app, you don’t have to.

Kindle book collection
Kindle book collection
A few years back, the Amazon Kindle was arguably therne-reader of choice. Over time, of course, dedicated e-readers have given way tornfull-blown tablets. Not to be outdone, Amazon offers a free Kindle app for allrnthe most popular tablets. This app makesrnit easy to take your book collection with you when you travel.
Kindle book view
Here you can see a book as it appears on the Kindle app.
Kindle Store
Here are some offerings from the Kindle Store.
5. Metro Media Player
I have to admit that when I fly, I usually spend most ofrnmy time in the air watching movies on Metro Media Player. I almost never get a chance to watch moviesrnor television at home, so before I travel, I load up my tablet with digitalrncopies of the movies that I want to see.

Metro Media Player viewer
Metro Media Player viewer
Metro Media Player playsrnboth music and videos.

Metro Media Player Files
Metro Media Player Files
I’ll be the first to admit that Metro Media Playerrnisn’t as feature rich as some of the other media players that are available,rnbut that’s actually what I like about it. The media player is light weight and doesn’t overwhelm you with a bunch of unnecessary features, which is a goodrnthing when all you want to do is to watch a movie on the flight home after arnlong day.

Metro Media Player movie
Metro Media Player movie
Watching a movie with Metro Media Player.

Metro Media Player screen size
Metro Media Player screen size
You can adjust the screen size with Metro Media Player.

Metro Media Player volume
Metro Media Player volume
You can also adjust the volume with Metro Media Player.
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