Five Apps: Utilities for managing your contacts
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Managing your contacts
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Although many operating systems offer built-in mechanismsrnfor managing contacts, there are a number of third-party utilities availablernthat offer additional capabilities. Take a look at this variety ofrncontact management applications and utilities.
ScheduFlow is a utility that is probably best suited to schedule management. It sells for $99.95 (USD), but a free trial version is available for download.
ScheduFlow calendar
ScheduFlow’s calendaring functionality is at least somewhat similar to that of Microsoft Outlook.
ScheduFlow Clients
Although this application’s primary emphasis is onrnscheduling, it does have a nice contact database.
ScheduFlow contact information
The contact database allowsrnyou to maintain client lists and to compile a variety of information for eachrncontact.
ScheduFlow search
You can easily find Client entries through the search feature.
ScheduFlow fields
The software even has thernability to create custom fields for contacts.
ScheduFlow export options
Contact data can bernexported to a CSV file or to a couple of other formats, but the software cannotrndirectly export contact data to Outlook or other common applications.
Xobni is a free utility that’s designed to be a replacement for Outlook’s built-inrnsearch functionality.
Xobni calendar
The Xobni software indexes the full contents of your mailbox sornthat messages and contacts can be easily searched.
Xobni interface
The Xobni interface appearsrnin place of the reading pane.
Xobni contact list
When you enter a name intornthe search box, Xobni displays matching names from your contact list. Clickingrnon an individual contact causes the software to display messages from thatrncontact.
Easy Address Book
Easy Address Book is a free utility for managing your contacts.
Easy Address Book application
Essentially, Easy AddressrnBook is an extremely lightweight address book application. Although thernapplication isn’t feature rich, it is simple and works well.
Easy Address Book contacts
Easy Address Book allowsrnyou to add, modify, or delete contacts. There’s also an option to create anrnE-mail mailing list based on the contents of the contact database.
Easy Address Book security
Easy Address Book also offers passwordrnprotection.
Outlook Duplicate Remover
Outlook Duplicate Remover is a utility for removing duplicate contacts from Microsoft Outlook. It sells for $29.95 (USD), but a limitedrntrial version is available for download.
Outlook Duplicate Remover toolbar
When installed, thisrnutility embeds itself into the Outlook toolbar.
Outlook Duplicate Remover wizard
Outlook Duplicate Remover provides arnvery simple wizard that is used to search for duplicate contacts.
Outlook Duplicate Remove junk contacts
Although the utility is used to search for (and merge)rnduplicate contacts, it can also locate junk contacts. Junk contacts are thoserncontacts for which no valid information, such as an address or phone number, exists.
E-Z Contact Book
E-Z Contact Book is a free utility for keeping track of all your contacts.
E-Z Contact Book contacts
Although the name of thisrnutility is similar to the Easy Address Book application that I discussedrnearlier, the two utilities are actually quite different.
E-Z Contact Book contact field
E-Z Contact Book is meantrnto be easy to use but relatively full featured.
E-Z Contact Book New Contact
New Contact field in E-Z Contact Book.
E-Z Contact Book Reminders
Some of the features found in E-Z Contact Book, but notrnin Easy Address Book, include contact grouping, birthday reminders, data importrnand export (for Outlook, vcard, etc.), and the ability to find addresses inrnGoogle Maps.
E-Z Contact Book Family
You can easily locate contact information based on groups, including Family.
E-Z Contact Book export options
There are various ways to import and export your contact information.
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