Gallery: Driving apps you wish for
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As part of the course called “Cloud Computing in the Commute,” students from the University of Michigan developed social apps for a Ford Fiesta research vehicle.
The winning application, called Caravan Track, lets a group of drivers in different vehicles coordinate a road trip by linking to the same web site where they can share messages and text each other.
A panel of judges from Univerity of Michigan, Ford and Microsoft selected the winner based on relevance and usability.
See full story: Ford preps apps experiment: Commute meets cloud?
Fuel tracker lets a driver see real-time information about getting the best fuel economy by sharing driving tips and giving suggestions to improve gas mileage.
NostraMap relies on crowd-sourcing to get up-to-the-minute information on traffic conditions such as accident, police patrols, and back-ups.
The Points-of-Interest application allows drivers to share a Netflix-style recommendation system for places of interest.