Gallery: How Microsoft’s browser ballot works
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To fulfill its part of an antitrust settlement with the EU, during the week of Feb. 22 Microsoft will begin sending a ballot on Windows Update to let Windows users in the United Kingdom, Belgium and France select their browser of choice. The rest of Europe will follow around March 1. Here’s a look at how the browser selection will work. For more on the browser ballot, check out Mary Jo Foley’s blog.
This is the screen to explain the browser ballat that will be seen by new PC buyers.
Credit: Microsoft
The five most popular browsers: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Opera will be displayed in random order on the first screen. Five other browsers will appear on a second screen in random order. Users can choose to install by click on an icon, click to “Tell me more,” or “Select later.” The list will be updated to reflect the top-10 browsers.
Credit: Microsoft
In Windows 7 Internet Explorer is “pinned” to the taskbar. But if the user selects a different browser of choice, IE will be unpinned but it will not be deleted from the PC. If the user would like to pin the new browser to the taskbar, it must be done manually.
Credit: Microsoft