Gallery: Installing your own U3 applications
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U3 Package Prototyper
U3 Package Prototyper takes an executable file and creates a prototype U3 package from it.
For more details, read my Servers and Storage blog post about installing your own U3 applications.
Visual Studio project properties
In Visual Studio, icons can be added by right-clicking on the project and selecting Properties. You’ll get a screen like the one in this scren; from there, you can hunt around for an icon that you’ve created, found on your computer, or downloaded from a Web site like Icon Archive.
For more details, read my Servers and Storage blog post about installing your own U3 applications.
U3 Launchpad
U3 Package Prototyper does have several issues, the least of which is that it appends every program name with U3 Prototype of. I could live with this annoyance, but what I can’t live with is the limitation of only a single executable. So, if I’m creating anything more than a quick and dirty U3 package, I use PackageFactory for U3.
For more details, read my Servers and Storage blog post about installing your own U3 applications.
PackageFactory for U3
PackageFactory for U3 has a GUI.
For more details, read my Servers and Storage blog post about installing your own U3 applications.
PackageFactory for U3 Advanced Mode
PackageFactory for U3 also has an Advanced Mode where it’s possible to add company name, version number, description, an application URL, and more executables.
For more details, read my Servers and Storage blog post about installing your own U3 applications.