Gallery: Microsoft shows off Expression Web 3
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At Mix ’09, Microsoft shows off Expression Blend 3 tools for developers. The SketchFlow feature allows designers to try out concepts by enabling them to follow multiple paths, test different scenarios and provide comments to follow the process.n
Mary Jo Foley has more on Expression Blend 3 from Mix ’09. Click any photo to enlarge.nnn
Credit: Microsoft
The “wiggly” style in Expression Web 3 reminds users to focus on major concepts and not too much on details.nn
Credit: Microsoft
The new SketchFlow feature in Expression Blend 3 lets designers map out and experiment with the user interface flow of an application.nn
Credit: Microsoft
Expression Blend 3 contains a Photoshop import feature that lets “designers to generate design time sample data within Expression Blend or import it from an XML file, making it easy to build data-connected applications without access to live data. Users can easily switch between using sample data and using live data at run-time,” according to Microsoft.nnn
Credit: Microsoft
Expression Blend 3 Data Feature Samplenn
Credit: Microsoft
Expression Blend 3 features a new user interface that allows designer and developer interaction.nn
Credit: Microsoft