Geek humor from xkcd comics
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Laughter is the best medicine…the kind of laughter that comes from good snarky humor. So sit back and laugh at these 18 xkcd comic strips, created by Randall Munroe. These xkcd comics feature computers, Orcs, video games, and more.
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Ahead stop
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All the girls
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All images are courtesy of (If you click the image, it will open in a new browser window.)
Depth first searches
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I don't want directions
There are two types of people in the world: those with GPS and those who insist on doing it the hard way.
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All images are courtesy of (If you click the image, it will open in a new browser window.)
All images are courtesy of (If you click the image, it will open in a new browser window.)
Open mic night
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Raptor fences
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Still no sleep
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All images are courtesy of (If you click the image, it will open in a new browser window.)
The carriage
If you mouse over each comic on the xkcd site, a little pop-up shows up with additional commentary. The pop-up commentary for this one claims that it can be read to the tune of the Gilligan’s Island theme song.
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All images are courtesy of (If you click the image, it will open in a new browser window.)
University website
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Exploits of a Mom
They should have been nicer to her in high school.
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Read this Geekend post to see more xkcd comics that have been featured on TechRepublic.
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