Google’s Honeycomb buzzes in for a landing (screenshots)
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ntOn Wednesday Feb. 2, Google offered an in-depth look at Honeycomb, also known as Android 3.0.
ntFrom the event, we’ll post some screenshots as they are available. Here is the home page.
ntNotifications pop up in the lower right hand corner.
ntYou can view your notifications and read, look up or delete them.
ntThere’s a customziation tool to set up your home screen.
ntGoogle is excited about the graphics engine called renderscript that can show things like this screen for videos.
ntAccessing and customizing email is made easier.
ntYou can easily view your music apps.
ntYou can make video phone calls.
ntYou can use 3D customization tools such as this one for anatomy. Using this you can better describe your symptoms when talking to a doctor, for example.
ntYou can take pictures or videos with the camera app.
ntGames where you can direct armies of hundreds will be available.
ntHere’s Monster Madness.
ntCNN is very excited about Honeycomb.
ntCNN will provide access to breaking news videos.
ntCNN is also very excited about ireports where regular viewers will be able to download videos to enhance coverage of news events.
ntHoneycomb promises to make online tranactions easier.
ntHere’s the beginning of a transaction.
ntDisney is providing fresh apps.
ntExisting apps are being updated.
ntAgain, it’s easier to purchase items.
ntGoogle had trouble hooking up Lady Killer to a video chat earlier in the program. But he finally came through loud and clear.