Image Gallery: BugMe! for Google Android, Palm webOS, Apple iPhone, and iPad
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BugMe! on the Apple iPad
BugMe! is one of those mobile applications that has been around for over a decade and serves an important purpose. Even though it is a fairly simple program, creating quick notes and having them appear as alarms is important. The Google Android version is the most capable while the iPhone & iPad versions look great. There is even a Palm version that reminds me a bit of BugMe!’s roots in the late 90s.??Check out my full review that covers BugMe! on four operating systems.
iPad settings
Settings available on the Apple iPad.
Note background selector
Six different colors are available for you to setup the note background.
Ink and pen size options
Eight different color pens in two different sizes are available on the iPad.
Share options on the iPad
Four different share options are present on the iPad version of BugMe!
Alarm options
The alarm options are present, yet they do not work on the iPad with the current version of the iPhone OS.
Main iPad screen
A virtual cork board does look good on the iPad.
Main iPhone display
BugMe! on the iPhone also has the cork board look to it.
iPhone settings
Similar settings appear on the iPhone.
Text and handwritten notes on the iPhone
The iPhone supports handwritten and text notes in BugMe!
Ink colors and pen sizes
Eight different colors and two pen sizes are available on the iPhone.
Sticky note backgrounds
There are four note background colors, camera option, and photo album selector for your note background.
Using an image as a background
With the iPhone version of BugMe! you can use a photo as a background sticky note.
Reminder selector
Reminders work on the iPhone only if you have a wireless data connection up and running. This is a limitation of the iPhone OS that may be fixed in version 4.
Custom alarm selector
Customized alarm days and times are supported.
Alert sound selector
Different alerts sounds to choose from appear in BugMe!
BugMe! settings
This screenshot shows you the settings in BugMe!
Typical view of BugMe!
Custom note backgrounds and the cork board.
Creating a note on webOS
BugMe! works on webOS devices and as you can see text only notes are supported.
Alarm settings in webOS
The same alarm settings found in Google Android are present on webOS.
Settings within a note
There are a few settings available while you are creating notes in BugMe!
BugMe! preferences
There are only a few preferences available in BugMe! on the webOS platform.
BugMe! home screen
This is the typical home screen of BugMe! on webOS.
Pop up notification on webOS
This is a view of the typical pop-up that appears on webOS devices.
Google Android home screen view
The home screen view is least attractive on the Google Android platform, but the capabilities are the best.
Handwritten note on Android
Notice how the handwritten text appears to be a bit fuzzy on Android devices.
Alarm time selector
The alarm selector is the same as on other devices.
Menu options in a note
Pressing the menu button opens up these options on Google Android devices.
Text notes supported too
You can enter both text and handwritten notes on Google Android devices.
Home screen with notes
The home screen after adding a couple of notes.
BugMe! settings for Android
There are several settings available in Android, including custom LED notification settings.
New note toggle
You can choose to have text, ink, or text and ink notes appear when you tap on New Note creation.
Color selector
There are many colors available for the ink in BugMe!
Home screen widget
Android widget support is available for BugMe!
BugMe! gallery 1
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BugMe! gallery 2
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