Image Gallery: Future in Review 2006
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Microsoft CTO Craig Mundie and Larry Smarr, director of the Califronia Institute for Telecommunications and Infromation Technology and a professor of computer science and engineering at UC-San Diego. Smarr thinks defines broadband as 10-gigabits per second. [Dan Farber reports from the Future in Review conference.]
“We the Media” Dan Gillmor; John Seely Brown, former chief scientist at Xerox; and uber blogger Dave Winer.
Mark Anderson, host of the Future in Review conference.
Paul Jacobs, the CEO of QUALCOMM, predicted that within five years, the phone would have multiple radios, 3D games, biometrics, and support financial transactions during an interview with Mark Anderson (left).
Scott Foster, senior analyst at HSBC Tokyo, Sidney Rittenberg of Rittenberg & Associates and Bob Hormats, Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs International discuss the Japan-China relationship.
Sidney Rittenberg spent 35 years as a prisoner in solitary confinement in China on charges of being an American spy. In 1977, he was freed and declared a true friend of China. Now he consults on China relationships.
Larry Smarr is principal investigator on the NSF OptIPuter LambdaGrid project, the Moore CAMERA marine microbial metagenomics project, and is co-PI on the NSF LOOKING ocean observatory prototype.
Azim Premji, the chairmam of Wipro, said India will graduate 400,000 engineering students this year, the U.S. about 75,000. “The U.S. will graduate more sports therapists this year than engineers,” he said.
Dan Gillmor (left) and Dave Winer (right) discuss blogging and journalist with moderator Michael Copeland of Business 2.0.
“We used to be three times more profitable than competitors, now we are 2.5 times more profitable than competitors,” Michael Dell said.
Jim Louderback of PC Magazine interviews Symantec CEO John Thompson. [Dan Farber reports from the Future in Review conference.]

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