Image Gallery: Hands-on with the Barnes & Noble Nook 1.3 firmware update
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Barnes & Noble Nook firmware 1.3 update
Barnes & Noble was quick to roll out an update when the Nook was first released last Fall. This current update continues to improve a great ebook reader device with games, a web browser, in-store reading support, and overall bug fixes and improvements. You can now browse when connected to a WiFi network and you don’t have another device around.
New WiFi icon details
There is now a dedicated WiFi icon on the main color display that lets you access your WiFi settings.
In store connection
When you first turn on your Nook’s WiFi radio in a physical store this display lets you know what you can do in the store.
Updated offers and promotions
You will see new promotions on the bottom of the eInk display when you are in a physical store.
100 titles available to read in the store
After logging in at a store you have the option to read any of these 100 books for up to an hour.
Selected a book to read
You can read a book in the store for free and if you like it you can then choose to purchase it and take it with you too.
Book selected to read
As you can see, in the upper title of the book you selected it lets you know that you can read this book in the store for free.
Explanation of the In Store program
As you can read, you can read an ebook for up to an hour. Features such as bookmarks, highlights, and notes are not supported at this time.
Confirming you want to read a book
You need to tap on Accept or Dismiss after you choose a book to read in the store.
Title of book reading in the store
Reading the book in the store.
None of these options are supported
You are not allowed to change the font size or type in books you read in the store.
Fonts are larger than I would like
The font size for in store reading is a bit larger than I would like, but you can’t really complain when you get to read the book for free.
In store banner on the shop
When you are in the store and connected to the B&N network a banner appears across the shop icon to let you now you are in the store.
Read in store heading
At the top of the in store book selector you can see more about the books available to you.
More in the store
There is more in the store than just the ability to read ebooks for free. You can read exclusive content too.
More in store content
This is a typical page showing what content is available in the store.
More in store free content
All content in the store is available for free and some is available for you to take with you.
You will find coupons too
I had a free cookie coupon a couple months ago and the current offer is $5 off of $50 that you spend.
Games are now included
Barnes & Noble provided Sudoku and Chess for Nook owners.
Playing Sudoku on the Nook
Sudoku is easy to play on the Nook and works very well.
Entering a letter on the bottom display
The bottom color display is used for entering numbers in Sudoku.
Selected square
Here you can see the selected square on the eInk display.
Directions for the game
Directions for the game appear at the bottom of the eInk display.
What level do you want to play at
There are difficulty options available in the two games.
Settings in Sudoku
First screen of settings in Sudoku.
Remaining settings in Sudoku
As you can see there are a few more settings in Sudoku.
Chess instructions
Page of chess instructions on the Nook.
Pop-up notices in chess
You will find conversation bubbles appearing on the eInk display when you play chess.
Lower display during chess
The lower touch color display is used quite a bit for chess.
Another status pop up
Pop ups appear on the top and bottom of the chess board.
Chess board views
Here you can see the eInk chess board and the lower color display view of chess.
Making a move
The square you select on the bottom display is highlighted on the top eInk display.
Chess game options
Some options available in chess on the Nook.
Audio player
There is a new icon for Audio on the Nook to more quickly access the music player and listen to music in the background.
Moving within a song
There is a slider bar for navigating your music.
Web page favorites
Favorites in the web browser appear as book covers on the lower color display.
Web browser on the Nook
The lower color display works well for navigating in the browser.
Moving around the browser display
As you move up around the page a block indicating what you see on the lower color display appears on the larger eInk display.
Toolbar appearing on the lower display
You can tap the upper left of the color display to access the toolbar in the display.
Go To... options
Tapping on Go To… gives you choices to search, view favorites, or view history.
Browser settings
There are a few settings available within the web browser.
More browser settings
More available web browser settings.
Zoom options
You can zoom in and out within the web browser.
Another view of the Mobile Gadgeteers
Color and eInk comparison image.
Google Reader in the browser
Google Reader performs well in the web browser.
Lower display view of Google Reader
Here is Google Reader in the lower display.
Entering a search
The search box appears quite generic in the browser.
Google is the default search engine
Being that the Nook is based on the Google Android OS, it makes sense that the default search engine is Google on the Nook.
History view
Browser history screenshot.
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