Image Gallery: Hands on with the B&N Nook in the Barnes & Noble retail store
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Welcome to the Barnes & Noble store
One of the unique features that Barnes & Noble promised for the B&N nook was the retail store experiences. With the nook 1.1.0 update nook owners now have access to store specific content, including short ebooks and coupon offerings. The first coupon to appear is for a free cookie each time you show the barista your nook and the coupon ($1.95 priced cookie).
Connected to the B&N WiFi network
Your nook will automatically pick up that you are in a Barnes & Noble store and the B&N symbol will appear next to the wireless status symbol.
Shop or dismiss
The two options that appear on the lower display after you connect in the store.
In store advertising offer
As you can see there is some content available to you that only appears when you are physically in a retail store. You need to select this offer to see what content is available.
List of free content
There were nine available titles in my local store when I checked yesterday.
Free content covers
You can quickly browse and select content using the cover view in your bottom display too.
Selecting a free title
I selected the free Dean Koontz title to check out and here were the options in the bottom display.
Downloading free content
Download status appearing on my nook. After you download the content you can view it outside the store too.
Free cookie offer
You may also find promotions and coupons while in the store. This free cookie offer is available until January.
Details of the free cookie offer
Selecting the free cookie offer shows you more details about the steps you have to take to get your cookie. You must physically shown the barista your nook with the cookie coupon on the display.
My free cookie and nook
Here you can see I selected the double chocolate cookie. These are $1.95 at my local Barnes & Noble store so this is a pretty good deal, if you ask me.
M-Edge Latitude Jacket works well
I slipped my nook into my M-Edge Kindle Latitude Jacket and discovered it fits just about perfectly, including the four corner braces.
Nook in corner braces
The nook is held in place while also having a good screen protection mechanism while carrying your nook in your bag.
Outside M-Edge Latitude Jacket
The Latitude Jacket zips closed on the nook to keep it held securely in place.
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