Images: Revival of the retro PC
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Information on Homebase, the Citibank Home Banking solution (1984).
Promotional material for the “Next Generation” of Atari Home Computers, before a buyout by Jack Tramiel closed down most of the proposed machines (1983).
A brochure for “Microsoft Adventure,” a rebrand of the original Crowther and Woods adventure. Includes spoilers! (1981)
A four-page brochure for the Epson Computer System, including software, the machine and, of course, a printer (1983).
Software support for the SuperSprite Board from Synetix–includes Star Sprite I, II and III–from Avant-Garde of Eugene, Ore.(1984).
An advertisement for the Orange + Computer, an Apple II clone from Collins International Trading (1984).
Catalog and author information for Adventure International Software (1984).
A flyer for Bounty Bob by Big Five Software (1984).
A Microware products catalog: “Products for Vic-20 and CBM 64 that are Out of This World” (1984)
A brochure with information about a computer camp in Indiana, including descriptions, proposed meals and staff credentials (1984).
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