Images: WoW’s The Fall of the Lich King
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The Forge of Souls
Blizzard Entertainment has released the third and final content patch to the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack for World of Warcraft, patch 3.3. Here are a few images from the patch.
The in-game map of The Forge of Souls instance. Boss positions are marked with skulls.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Pit of Saron
The in-game map of the Pit of Saron instance. Boss positions are marked with skulls.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Halls of Reflection
The in-game map of the Halls of Reflection instance. Boss positions are marked with skulls.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Dungeon Finder Random Heroic
This is the dungeon finder screen. Across the top, there are checkboxes for each role within the dungeon – Tank, Healer, DPS, and Leader (which can be combined with any of the other three). Below that is a drop-down allowing the player to choose between random or specific dungeon selection. Finally, a large area that either shows the random normal/heroic rewards or a place to choose the specific dungeons, depending on the drop-down choice. Here you can see this is a first-time random heroic because the reward is two Emblems of Frost.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Dungeon Finder Subsequent Random Heroic
The only difference here is the reward. Since it is a subsequent random heroic, the reward is only two Emblems of Triumph.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Dungeon Finder Ready Screen
Once you have queued yourself for a random dungeon and a group is ready for you, this screen will pop up, allowing you to enter the dungeon. Clicking Enter Dungeon brings up the next screen.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Dungeon Finder Ready Check Status
This screen shows the Ready status of each role within your group. Once all five players have accepted, you are ported automatically into the dungeon.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Dungeon Finder Selection Screen
Similar to the screens a few slides back, this allows you to choose the specific dungeons you would like to run. Locks can appear instead of checkboxes for several reasons, including heroic lockouts, level ineligibility, or attunement status.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Dungeon Finder Low Level Random
This screen shows what a lower level character would see if they chose a random WoW classic dungeon. As you can see, the reward is a level-appropriate random bag of goodies.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.
Sabahe and His Perky Pug
Technologia member Sabahe earned his Perky Pug pet for running random heroics with 100 unique players a scant few days after the patch was released. My Paladin, Gauwainelf, is past 50 and well on his way to 100.
Photo courtesy of World of Warcraft game client.
Read Wally Bahny’s Geekend post about this World of Warcraft patch.