Linux Mint 9
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Linux Mint 9 Desktop
Linux Mint 9 is a minty fresh new spin on Ubuntu 10.04.
nSee related story in Jason Perlow’s Tech Broiler blog.
Linux Mint 9 File Management
Linux Mint 9 uses Nautilus 2.30 from GNOME.
Linux Mint 9 SLAB Menu System
Linux Mint uses the “SLAB” menuing paradigm from openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop.
Linux Mint Software Center
The Software Center for Linux Mint is somewhat more streamlined than Ubuntu’s.
Linux Mint Control Center
The Control Center is also derived from OpenSUSE.
Linux Mint 9 OpenOffice
Linux Mint 9 comes with the latest build of OpenOffice 3.2
Linux Mint 9 Backup Utility
Linux Mint 9 comes with a helpful files and software configuration backup utility.
Linux Mint 9’s Firefox browser is pre-configured with many essential web plugins, including Flash 10. Here is an episode of “Big Bang Theory” playing from the website.
Firefox 3.6.3 with Quicktime Plugin
Quicktime movies will also play in the browser without any extra configuration steps needed.
nSee related story in Jason Perlow’s Tech Broiler blog.