Macworld Expo 2010: Day 1 – Thursday, February 11, 2010
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MWSF10 - Day 1 - Pogue Presentation
The stage
MWSF10 - Day 1 - Pogue Presentation
The crowd
MWSF10 - Day 1 - Pogue Presentation
The Gregory Brothers and LeVar Burton perform “It’s a Wonderful Life.” LeVar played Steve Jobs.
MWSF10 - Day 1 - Pogue Presentation
The Gregory Brothers and LeVar Burton perform “It’s a Wonderful Life.” LeVar played Steve Jobs.
MWSF10 - Day 1 - Pogue Presentation
The Gregory Brothers and LeVar Burton perform “It’s a Wonderful Life.” LeVar played Steve Jobs.
MWSF10 - Day 1 - DEMO Best of Show
The Best of Show awards here at Macworld Expo 2010.
MWSF10 - Day 1 - eWorld t-shirt
Anyone remember Apple’s eWorld service (1994-1996)? It was supposed to replace AOL.?
MWSF10 - Day 1 - Welcome Sign
Ok, it’s a sign.