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How do I... Connect an Apple iPod to a Ubuntu Linux PC?
How do I... Connect an Apple iPod to a Ubuntu Linux PC?

Handle Windows Vista like a pro with these tricks
Using Microsoft Windows Vista over a period of almost two years, Greg Shultz has discovered a handful of useful tricks that makes using the operating system easier. He shares some of these tricks with us in this edition of the Windows Vista Report.
Handle Windows Vista like a pro with these tricks
Using Microsoft Windows Vista over a period of almost two years, Greg Shultz has discovered a handful of useful tricks that makes using the operating system easier. He shares some of these tricks with us in this edition of the Windows Vista Report.
Creating your own custom Control Panel
Creating your own custom Control Panel

Tweak Windows Vista Services the right way
Greg Shultz shows you how to create a snapshot of the current state of the Microsoft Windows Vista services on your system and explains how you can take advantage of this technique when tweaking services.
Tweak Windows Vista Services the right way
Greg Shultz shows you how to create a snapshot of the current state of the Microsoft Windows Vista services on your system and explains how you can take advantage of this technique when tweaking services.

Set processor affinity programmatically in a multi-core system
There are a few different ways to set processor affinity and Edmond Woychowsky shows you two programmatic ways he has used in his projects.
Set processor affinity programmatically in a multi-core system
There are a few different ways to set processor affinity and Edmond Woychowsky shows you two programmatic ways he has used in his projects.

How do I... Recover Linux data files with a Windows tool?
DiskInternals makes a tool called Linux Reader that can recover your data from a corrupted Linux hard drive partition. The twist is that the tool runs under Microsoft Windows. Jack Wallen shows you how this tool works.
How do I... Recover Linux data files with a Windows tool?
DiskInternals makes a tool called Linux Reader that can recover your data from a corrupted Linux hard drive partition. The twist is that the tool runs under Microsoft Windows. Jack Wallen shows you how this tool works.

How do I... Reseed a SQL Server identity column?
Microsoft SQL Server’s identity column generates sequential values for new records using a seed value. Seeding and reseeding an identity column is easy and relatively safe, if you do it correctly. Susan Sales Harkins shows you how it works.
How do I... Reseed a SQL Server identity column?
Microsoft SQL Server’s identity column generates sequential values for new records using a seed value. Seeding and reseeding an identity column is easy and relatively safe, if you do it correctly. Susan Sales Harkins shows you how it works.

Get better system information from the Help and Support Center
Microsoft Windows XP's alternate System Information tool is your one-stop center for information about your system hardware and software. Greg Shultz explains how to navigate to this useful system information.
Get better system information from the Help and Support Center
Microsoft Windows XP's alternate System Information tool is your one-stop center for information about your system hardware and software. Greg Shultz explains how to navigate to this useful system information.

Save your eyes with DPI Scaling in Windows Vista
Greg Shultz shows you how to get the most out of your LCD monitor by taking advantage of the DPI Scaling tool in Microsoft Windows Vista.
Save your eyes with DPI Scaling in Windows Vista
Greg Shultz shows you how to get the most out of your LCD monitor by taking advantage of the DPI Scaling tool in Microsoft Windows Vista.

Make the Move To Folder and Copy To Folder commands easily accessible
Greg Shultz shows you how to make the Windows Vista Copy To Folder and Move To Folder more easily accessible.
Make the Move To Folder and Copy To Folder commands easily accessible
Greg Shultz shows you how to make the Windows Vista Copy To Folder and Move To Folder more easily accessible.

Track a user's Internet Explorer History with IEHistoryView
Wally Bahny shows you how to use IEHistoryView to quickly and systematically see a user's browsing history.
Track a user's Internet Explorer History with IEHistoryView
Wally Bahny shows you how to use IEHistoryView to quickly and systematically see a user's browsing history.

Take advantage of Vista's Event Viewer and Task Scheduler integration
In this edition of the Windows Vista Report, Greg Shultz shows you how to take advantage of the Event Viewer and Task Scheduler integration feature.
Take advantage of Vista's Event Viewer and Task Scheduler integration
In this edition of the Windows Vista Report, Greg Shultz shows you how to take advantage of the Event Viewer and Task Scheduler integration feature.
How do I... Back up my computer with Mozy for free

How do I... Create a Suspend Mode shortcut in Windows XP?
You don't need third-party software or expensive keyboards to quickly put your Microsoft Windows XP personal computer into Suspend Mode. Greg Shultz shows you how to create a shortcut that can do it.
How do I... Create a Suspend Mode shortcut in Windows XP?
You don't need third-party software or expensive keyboards to quickly put your Microsoft Windows XP personal computer into Suspend Mode. Greg Shultz shows you how to create a shortcut that can do it.
How Do I Easily Scan a Hard Drive for Sensitive data with Spider 3

How do I... Run Linux applications in Windows XP?
Jack Wallen explains how to set up a remote connection between a Microsoft Windows PC and a Linux PC using X tunneling.
How do I... Run Linux applications in Windows XP?
Jack Wallen explains how to set up a remote connection between a Microsoft Windows PC and a Linux PC using X tunneling.

Improve performance and productivity with these Vista tricks
Greg Shultz shows you several performance and productivity enhancing tricks for Windows Vista.
Improve performance and productivity with these Vista tricks
Greg Shultz shows you several performance and productivity enhancing tricks for Windows Vista.
How do I ... Enable Spambayes filtering in Thunderbird for Windows?
How do I ... Enable Spambayes filtering in Thunderbird for Windows?

Geek Gifts 2008: Belkin Nostromo n52te SpeedPad
After Cracking Open the Belkin Nostromo n52te SpeedPad a couple of weeks ago, Wally Bahny installed the software and plugged it in to see how well it performs.
Geek Gifts 2008: Belkin Nostromo n52te SpeedPad
After Cracking Open the Belkin Nostromo n52te SpeedPad a couple of weeks ago, Wally Bahny installed the software and plugged it in to see how well it performs.

How do I... Run Linux/UNIX Clients on Windows with XWin32 Live?
Jack Wallen wrote previously about how you can open (and use) Linux applications in Windows using a combination of PuTTY and XWin32. He is happy to report that XWin32 Live reduces previous complications with this application.
How do I... Run Linux/UNIX Clients on Windows with XWin32 Live?
Jack Wallen wrote previously about how you can open (and use) Linux applications in Windows using a combination of PuTTY and XWin32. He is happy to report that XWin32 Live reduces previous complications with this application.

How do I... Stop Windows XP from nagging me about updates?
Riggy001 decided not to apply Windows XP SP3, but the operating system continued to nag him about it. After much wrangling, Riggy001 was given a procedure that removed that yellow nagging shield in the system tray.
How do I... Stop Windows XP from nagging me about updates?
Riggy001 decided not to apply Windows XP SP3, but the operating system continued to nag him about it. After much wrangling, Riggy001 was given a procedure that removed that yellow nagging shield in the system tray.
Take advantage of Windows Explorer’s Navigation pane
How do I... Encrypt files with GPG4Win?
How do I... Encrypt files with GPG4Win?
How do I... Encrypt files with GPG4Win?
How do I... Use the Vista Check Disk tool for hard disk analysis?

How do I... Configure Windows Home Server for remote access?
Steven Warren shows you how to set up a remote connection in Microsoft Windows Home Server and what you can do with it once it is configured.
How do I... Configure Windows Home Server for remote access?
Steven Warren shows you how to set up a remote connection in Microsoft Windows Home Server and what you can do with it once it is configured.

Investigate RAM problems with Vista's Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
Microsoft included the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool in Windows Vista so that you can test the RAM chips in your system. Greg Shultz shows you how to launch and use the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.
Investigate RAM problems with Vista's Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
Microsoft included the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool in Windows Vista so that you can test the RAM chips in your system. Greg Shultz shows you how to launch and use the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.

How do I... Use templates to simplify network monitoring with Packet Analyzer?
One of the notable features available in Packet Analyzer is the ability to create templates. This is a boon to busy network administrators who need to be able to change out filters on the fly and quickly. Jack Wallen shows how to create and use templates in Packet Analyzer.
How do I... Use templates to simplify network monitoring with Packet Analyzer?
How do I… Use templates to simplify network monitoring with Packet Analyzer?
One of the notable features available in Packet Analyzer is the ability to create templates. This is a boon to busy network administrators who need to be able to change out filters on the fly and quickly. Jack Wallen shows how to create and use templates in Packet Analyzer.
What to do when Check Disks malfunctions in Vista
What to do when Check Disks malfunctions in Vista

A new virtual desktop tool from Microsoft's Windows Sysinternals team
Microsoft's Windows Sysinternals team has developed a lightweight and very dependable virtual desktop manager called Desktops that allows you to create up to four virtual desktops on your computer. Greg Shultz introduces you to Desktops and shows you how it works.
A new virtual desktop tool from Microsoft's Windows Sysinternals team
Microsoft's Windows Sysinternals team has developed a lightweight and very dependable virtual desktop manager called Desktops that allows you to create up to four virtual desktops on your computer. Greg Shultz introduces you to Desktops and shows you how it works.
10 things reinstall Windows
10 things reinstall Windows
10 things reinstall Windows
10 things reinstall Windows

How do I... Extend laptop battery life in Windows Vista?
If you have Microsoft Windows Vista running your machine you might notice that your battery isn't getting nearly the life that the same laptop did when it was running Windows XP. Jack Wallen takes a look at some methods to optimize your battery power consumption.
How do I... Extend laptop battery life in Windows Vista?
If you have Microsoft Windows Vista running your machine you might notice that your battery isn't getting nearly the life that the same laptop did when it was running Windows XP. Jack Wallen takes a look at some methods to optimize your battery power consumption.

Troubleshoot Vista system drivers more efficiently with these tools
To make the task of gathering information on a number of device drivers easier, you can use a native command line tool called Driver Query or you can use a nice little third-party utility called DriverView. Greg Shultz shows you how to gather detailed information on drivers using these two tools.
Troubleshoot Vista system drivers more efficiently with these tools
To make the task of gathering information on a number of device drivers easier, you can use a native command line tool called Driver Query or you can use a nice little third-party utility called DriverView. Greg Shultz shows you how to gather detailed information on drivers using these two tools.
How do I... Block IP addresses with Peer Guardian 2?
How do I... Block IP addresses with Peer Guardian 2?
How do I... Block IP addresses with Peer Guardian 2?
How do I... Block IP addresses with Peer Guardian 2?
How do I... Block IP addresses with Peer Guardian 2?
How do I... Block IP addresses with Peer Guardian 2?

Retrieve information for multiple Windows XP disk drives
If you're working with multiple Windows XP disk drives, you can easily create a pie chart to show the amount of free and used space on each drive at the same time -- including removable and floppy drives.
Retrieve information for multiple Windows XP disk drives
If you're working with multiple Windows XP disk drives, you can easily create a pie chart to show the amount of free and used space on each drive at the same time -- including removable and floppy drives.
How do I... Use secure copy for file encryption in Windows?
How do I... Use secure copy for file encryption in Windows?
How do I... Use secure copy for file encryption in Windows?
How do I... Use secure copy for file encryption in Windows?
How do I... Use secure copy for file encryption in Windows?
How do I... Use secure copy for file encryption in Windows?
How do I... Use secure copy for file encryption in Windows?

Use Maple to manage and retrieve vital documents
Greg Shultz introduces you to document management system called Maple, and he shows you how to use it manage your document collection.
Use Maple to manage and retrieve vital documents
Greg Shultz introduces you to document management system called Maple, and he shows you how to use it manage your document collection.

Track down your uptime in Windows Vista
Microsoft changed the way uptime is reported in Vista. It's still there, but just not in the same format. Greg Shultz examines how uptime is measured in Windows Vista.
Track down your uptime in Windows Vista
Microsoft changed the way uptime is reported in Vista. It's still there, but just not in the same format. Greg Shultz examines how uptime is measured in Windows Vista.
How do I... Create virtual multiple desktops in Windows?
How do I... Create virtual multiple desktops in Windows?
How do I... Configure OpenDNS in Windows Vista?
How do I... Configure OpenDNS in Windows Vista?
How do I... Configure OpenDNS in Windows Vista?
How do I... Configure OpenDNS in Windows Vista?

Increase Vista performance by trimming startup programs
You can bump up Microsoft Windows Vista performance by trimming back startup programs that may not be needed. Greg Shultz shows you several methods that you can use to investigate, and ultimately turn off, the programs that automatically start up on your system.
Increase Vista performance by trimming startup programs
You can bump up Microsoft Windows Vista performance by trimming back startup programs that may not be needed. Greg Shultz shows you several methods that you can use to investigate, and ultimately turn off, the programs that automatically start up on your system.
Take back control of Vista’s default programs and the Open With list
Take back control of Vista’s default programs and the Open With list
Take back control of Vista’s default programs and the Open With list
Take back control of Vista’s default programs and the Open With list
Take back control of Vista’s default programs and the Open With list
Take back control of Vista’s default programs and the Open With list

Secure your computer after a Windows install or reinstall
Alan Norton details five ways to better secure your Microsoft Windows computer immediately following a clean install until all the important security updates can be installed.
Secure your computer after a Windows install or reinstall
Alan Norton details five ways to better secure your Microsoft Windows computer immediately following a clean install until all the important security updates can be installed.
How do I... Enable a 360 degree Windows desktop?
How do I... Enable a 360 degree Windows desktop?
How do I... Enable a 360 degree Windows desktop?
How do I... Tweak Windows Explorer to open in a directory of my choosing?
How do I... Tweak Windows Explorer to open in a directory of my choosing?
How do I... Tweak Windows Explorer to open in a directory of my choosing?
How do I... Tweak Windows Explorer to open in a directory of my choosing?
How do I... Tweak Windows Explorer to open in a directory of my choosing?
What geeks really want for the holidays
What geeks really want for the holidays
What geeks really want for the holidays
What geeks really want for the holidays
How do I... Tweak Vista indexing options for better performance?
How do I... Tweak Vista indexing options for better performance?
How do I... Tweak Vista indexing options for better performance?
How do I... Tweak Vista indexing options for better performance?

Enhance Windows Vista's live Taskbar thumbnails feature
Greg Shultz shows you how to implement a Microsoft Windows Vista registry tweak that will prevent the text from appearing on the taskbar. He also shows you how to really take advantage Vista's live Taskbar thumbnails feature.
Enhance Windows Vista's live Taskbar thumbnails feature
Greg Shultz shows you how to implement a Microsoft Windows Vista registry tweak that will prevent the text from appearing on the taskbar. He also shows you how to really take advantage Vista's live Taskbar thumbnails feature.
How do I... Map my network with Nessus 3 in Windows?
How do I... Map my network with Nessus 3 in Windows?
How do I... Map my network with Nessus 3 in Windows?
How do I... Map my network with Nessus 3 in Windows?
Mark W. Kaelin
Mark W. Kaelin has been writing and editing stories about the information technology industry, software, hardware, gaming, finance, accounting, and technology geekdom for more than 30 years.
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