MESSENGER mission to collect new data about Mercury
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MESSENGER’s ceramic cloth sunshade
ntMESSENGER (Mercury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) pulled into orbit around Mercury on March 17, 2011. It has taken the space probe six years to go from Earth to Mercury, while maneuvering around Venus. MESSENGER is hopefully going to answer many questions about the planet, including better images that will provide information about the surface; what Mercury’s core is made of (the currently popular hypothesis is iron); and more information about Mercury’s magnetic field.
ntIt has taken years to get MESSENGER ready to build on what we already know about Mercury. From building the probe, to analyzing old images of Mercury taken by the Mariner space probe, studying Mercury has been one of NASA’s biggest ongoing projects. One way to follow the space probe’s progress is by checking the MESSENGER Twitter feed.
ntThis artist’s rendition depicts MESSENGER’s ceramic cloth sunshade that protects the exterior instruments.
ntImage credit: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, courtesy of NASA
ntAlso check out the CNET gallery Messenger from Earth reaches Mercury’s orbit.

MESSENGER attached to the Delta II Payload Assist Module
MESSENGER attached to the Delta II Payload Assist Module
ntMESSENGER attached to the Delta II Payload Assist Module.
ntImage credit: NASA
MESSENGER on the launch pad
ntMESSENGER on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral.
ntImage credit: NASA
MESSENGER during building process
ntMESSENGER during building, before encapsulation.
ntImage credit: NASA
Mercury's craters
ntAn image taken in 2009 by MESSENGER of Mercury’s craters, which are considerably smooth inside.
ntImage credit: NASA
ntAugust 3, 2004 MESSENGER launch.
ntImage credit: NASA
South pole of Mercury
ntThe south pole of Mercury, image taken by the Mariner 10 in 1974.
ntImage credit: NASA
Mercury’s Brahms Crater
ntMercury’s Brahms Crater is 98 kilometers in diameter. Image taken by Mariner 10 in 1974.
ntImage credit: NASA
Mercury’s Beethoven Quadrangle
ntThis image is a computer photomosaic of Mercury’s Beethoven Quadrangle. Images taken by Mariner 10 in 1974.
ntImage credit: NASA
Mercury’s surface
ntMercury’s surface is desert-like and covered with craters.
ntImage credit: NASA
Craters on Mercury with double rings
ntMany of Mercury’s craters have double rings.
ntImage credit: NASA
Ejecta from a new crater on Mercury
ntThe bright rays in this image, taken by Mariner 10, are the result of ejecta from a new crater.
ntImage credit: NASA
Mercury’s Caloris Basin
ntThis computer photomosiac shows Mercury’s Caloris Basin.
ntImage credit: NASA
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