Microsoft Blue Hat v7
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Captain Steve from Microsoft
Captain Steve from Microsoft

Billy Rios of Microsoft (left), Jeremiah Grossman of WhiteHat Security (right), and David Hulton (back)
Billy Rios of Microsoft (left), Jeremiah Grossman of WhiteHat Security (right), and David Hulton (back)
Billy Rios of Microsoft (left), Jeremiah Grossman of WhiteHat Security (right), and David Hulton (back)
Manuel Caballero
Manuel Caballero
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party
IOActive Limo Party, David Hulton = Michael Jackson
IOActive Limo Party, David Hulton = Michael Jackson
Kuza55 as Bob Marley
Kuza55 as Bob Marley