Motorola Atrix photos: The docking smartphone
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Motorola Atrix photos: The docking smartphone
ntThe Motorola Atrix is one of the most innovative smartphones of 2011. It broke new ground with a dual core processor and 1.0GB of RAM, but it’s best known feature is its ability to dock and turn into a desktop or laptop PC. Here is the unboxing of the Atrix as well as full photos of its docking accessories.
ntAlso see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
ntPhoto credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, in the box
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, back of the box
ntAlso see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
ntPhoto credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, box contents
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, leading features
ntAlso see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
ntPhoto credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, opening the box
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, power and USB cords
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Micro HDMI cord
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, box documentation
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, powered off
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, boot up Motorola logo
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, boot up AT&T logo
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, lock screen
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, home screen
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, back cover
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, bottom
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, top
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, right side
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, left side
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix and HTC ThunderBolt
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix and HTC ThunderBolt, from the back
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix and Apple iPhone 4
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix and Apple iPhone 4, from the back
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix and its many accessories
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, docking options
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Webtop info
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock box
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, back of Laptop Dock box
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock cords and documentation
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock documentation
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock documentation
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock documentation
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock with dock flipped out
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Laptop Dock with phone docked
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix docked in Lapdock
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Lapdock with Webtop software
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic

Motorola Atrix, HD Multimedia Dock with keyboard and mouse
Motorola Atrix, HD Multimedia Dock with keyboard and mouse
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic

Motorola Atrix, HD Multimedia Dock with keyboard and mouse
Motorola Atrix, HD Multimedia Dock with keyboard and mouse
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, HD Multimedia Dock
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, HD Multimedia Dock
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Bluetooth keyboard
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Bluetooth mouse
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, Bluetooth mouse
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, HD Multimedia Dock and remote
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
Motorola Atrix, remote for HD Multimedia Dock
Also see: Motorola Atrix review: The beginning of the smartphone-as-PC
Photo credit: Jason Hiner | TechRepublic
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