New features abound in Internet Explorer 7
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Downloading Internet Explorer 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 introduces a variety of important new security features. Familiarize yourself with the leading Web browser’s new look and features inside this gallery.
Administrators can download Internet Explorer 7 directly from Microsoft’s Web site. Just specify the Windows version from the Select Your Operating System drop down box and click the Download button.
By Erik Eckel
Download IE 7 Via Microsoft Update
Internet Explorer 7 can also be obtained via Microsoft Update. The browser upgrade appears as a High-priority update within Microsoft Update.
Information Screen
Before installing the IE 7 upgrade, an informational dialog box provides a summary description and uninstallation instructions.
Update Installation
On November 1st, Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7 as an automatic update. On systems set to receive Windows updates automatically, Internet Explorer 7 will be deployed by default.
IE Install Window
Upon beginning installation, IE displays a window listing some of the browser’s new features (including enhanced security, a cleaner look and improved printing).
Licensing Terms
Users must accept the licensing terms before installing IE 7.
Validation Required
To install IE 7, you must be running a valid copy of Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003 Server SP1.
Automating Updates
By default, the IE 7 installation program automatically sets Windows to download the latest Internet Explorer updates.
Successful Update
Upon completing the IE 7 installation successfully, Windows displays a confirmation window (just as it typically does for other Windows updates).
Internet Explorer 7.0
Once the update is installed, Internet Explorer is upgraded to version 7.0.
First Run Menu
Upon opening for the first time, Internet Explorer presents this page enabling users to specify the default search provider and ClearType settings and enable the automatic Phishing Filter.
Runonce Completed
Once you’ve specified your configuration settings, Internet Explorer presents this confirmation screen.
Numerous add-ons, plug-ins and third-party tools are available for Internet Explorer 7. Clicking Tools | Find More Add-Ons takes users to this page, from which they can download a wide range of additional add-ons.
Single Tab
By default, upon opening Internet Explorer 7.0 displays a single tab, as shown here. Clicking File | New Tab or pressing CTRL + T opens additional Web pages in separate tabs.
The new interface is also much more streamlined, with toolbar space minimized.
From the new Tools drop-down box found on the new toolbar, several new features are available. In addition to configuring the Pop-up Blocker (introduced in IE 6.0), users can manage add-ons, change Phishing Filter settings, obtain Windows Updates, switch to full-screen view, adjust toolbar views, change Internet Options and even diagnose connection problems.
General Internet Options Settings
Selecting Internet Options from Tools displays the General Internet Options settings. Tab behavior, and default Search settings, are adjusted using the supplied Settings buttons.
Tabbed Browsing Settings
Clicking the Tab Settings button (from within Internet Options) opens this dialog box. In addition to triggering warnings when closing multiple tabs, other settings configured here include opening the home page within new tabs and always opening pop-ups in new windows.
Page Options
Numerous options are also available from the Page drop-down menu found on the toolbar. In addition to cutting/copying/pasting, users can Save pages, send Web pages or links by e-mail, zoom in on content, change the text size and view the Web page’s privacy report, among other options.
Research Pane
Internet Explorer 7’s Research Pane (reached from View | Explorer Bar | Research) offers the ability to search the Web, the Encarta encyclopedia and dictionary, a Thesaurus, stock quotes, company profiles and more directly from within IE.
Pop-up Blocker
Just as in IE 6, IE 7 blocks pop-up menus by default. Here you can see the tell-tale yellow bar indicating that IE has blocked a pop-up menu.
URLs Revealed For Every Web Page
Unlike previous versions of IE, IE 7 displays the Web address for every Web page or window it opens. Here you can see the URL listed for a pop-up menu (which previous versions of IE did not display).
Phishing Filter
Clicking Tools | Phishing Filter | Check This Website reveals a Phishing report for any Web site or URL.
Phishing Alert
When users navigate to a known Phishing Web site, IE 7 displays the URL bar in red, presents an alert screen recommending users close the Web page, and displays a Phishing Website alert in the address bar.
Phishing Settings
Clicking Tools | Phishing Filter | Phishing Filter Settings provides access to this dialog box. Here the Phishing Filter can be enabled or disabled (along with automatic Website checking).
Default Search Provider
Users can specify the search provider of their choice in IE 7. Default search provider settings are easily changed by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar and selecting Change Search Defaults.
Adding Search Providers
To add search providers in IE 7, click the magnifying glass drop-down menu and select Find More Providers to display this selection page.
RSS Feed Settings
Users can specify RSS schedules and other RSS configuration parameters from the Feed Settings menu (reached from Tools | Internet Options | Content | (Feed) Settings.
Default Web Browser
Clicking Tools | Internet Options | Programs provides access to configuring IE 7 as Windows’ default Web browser.
Users can also manage Add-ons from this same Internet Options tab.
IE 7 also supports transferring files via FTP. To trigger FTP connectivity, users need only enter an FTP address in IE 7’s Address Bar and select Open FTP Site In Windows Explorer from the View menu.
Network Diagnostics
IE 7 adds a network diagnostic tool designed to help users test their Internet connection. Clicking Tools | Diagnose Connection Problems opens the Network Diagnostics For Windows XP tool, shown here.
Network Diagnostic Test
The Network Diagnostics For Windows XP conducts a connection test.
Network Diagnostic Test Results
Upon completing, Network Diagnostics For Windows XP displays its test results.
Privacy Report
Privacy Reports are available for each Web site in IE 7. Just navigate to the Web site in question, then click Page | Web Page Privacy Policy.
IE 7 will display a Privacy Report for that site, as displayed here for
Microsoft also boasts IE 7 possesses improved printing capabilities. Clicking File | Print Preview provides the preview window shown here. In addition to specifying the number of pages viewed, users can adjust zoom levels and change page setup settings.
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