Photos: A view from the E3 floor
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The entrance to Microsoft’s giant Xbox pavilion in the Los Angeles Convention Center’s South Hall during E3 on May 12.
Gamers play inside large pipe-like devicesrnin Microsoft’s E3 Xbox exhibit on May 11. The massive four-day exposition offers networking opportunities for those in the interactive entertainment industry, and debuts almost every new video game product.
Booth host Odette Diaz entertains visitors to the Webzen area of E3 2006 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Webzen is a South Korean company that develops and publishes video games.
Socialite Paris Hilton appears at Gameloft’s E3rnexhibit to promote the company’s upcoming series of mobile games based on her likeness and targeted for teens.
Near the entrance to the main show floor at E3, street artist Kurt Wenner creates a chalk drawing promoting forthcoming Xbox 360 game “Gears of War,” due out later this year.
Visitors to E3 check out an elaborate booth touting Vivendi Universal’s game “Scarface: The World Is Yours,” due out this fall.
At the Blizzard booth, players try their hand at “World of Warcraft,” checking out Burning Crusade, an expansion to the popular online role-playing game.
Gamers waited in a long line to see demos of Sony’s PlayStation 3, due out in November.
Checking out the hardware design for the PlayStation 3, behind glass, at the Sony booth.
Disney’s Buena Vista Games touts the forthcoming PC game based on its hit “Desperate Housewives” series. The digital walk down Wisteria Lane is due out this fall.

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