Photos: ‘Chappie’ explores what happens when a machine learns to think and feel
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Robo cops
Robo cops
The police force of the (not so distant) future is a fleet of droids, originally created by Deon Wilson (Dev Patel).

Building robots
Building robots
Wilson at work in front of a police robot.

Human after all
Human after all
Wilson reprograms one of the police robots in secret and gives him the ability to think and feel.

You are Chappie
You are Chappie
Wilson and crew name him Chappie (voiced by Sharlto Copley) and start teaching him as if he were a child.

Reading robot
Reading robot
Chappie receives his first book from Wilson.

Putting the "art" in artificial intelligence
Putting the "art" in artificial intelligence
At one point, Wilson tells Chappie he can write a poem and have original thoughts. Chappie paints a picture of a car with the the technique of a printer.

Meet the antagonist
Meet the antagonist
Vincent Moore (Hugh Jackman) and his mullet disapprove of the idea of intelligent robots, and worry they could pose a major threat to humanity.

Search and destroy
Search and destroy
Mayhem ensues as the powers that be try to find and destroy Chappie.

A robot and his dog
A robot and his dog
Of course, Wilson argues that Chappie is a special being, worthy of existence.
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