Photos: Game Design Challenge 2006
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“The Sims” creator and two-time defending Game Design Challenge winner Will Wright crowns the 2006 winner, Harvey Smith.
Will Wright and Game Design Challenge moderator Eric Zimmerman of GameLab on stage at the Game Developers Conference.
“Katamari Damacy” creator Keita Takahashi presents his game idea at the Game Design Challenge in San Jose, Calif.
Will Wright wears the tiara given to him for his victories in the 2004 and 2005 Game Design Challenges.
Game Design Challenge winner Harvey Smith gives his presentation on a game that he hopes could win the Nobel Prize.
Keita Takahashi’s presentation for a game that could win the Nobel Prize involved the idea that people love video games and that more people playing the games would promote peace.
“Katamari Damacy” creator Keita Takahashi showed photographs and videos of the game’s characters during his presentation at the Game Design Challenge.
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