Photos: Lighting up the digital home
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Jim Hunter, chief technology officer of Nearmedia, remotely dims a bedroom light at his Florida home with his Palm 700. At Connections: The Digital Home Conference and Showcase, Hunter demonstrated how his company’s software, with help from chips from Echelon, can control a multitude of devices.
rnNearmedia was among many technology companies presenting their products at the event, which took place this week in Santa Clara, Calif.
Hunter demonstrates how Nearmedia’s software, along with chips made by Echelon, can also remotely control music and blinds.
Mark Fredrickson, spokesman for WiLife, which sells digital video-surveillance equipment, watches feeds from six cameras with his PC at the Connections conference on Thursday. The company’s “starter kit” surveillance system sells for $299.
Rich Blomseth, a product manager for Echelon, demonstrates how a home network system works. He triggers a security light, turns on a fan and sends a text message to a reporter when he steps onto a designated area at the Connections conference.

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