Photos: Samsung’s Q1 unveiled
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John Johasky, vice president of marketing for Samsung, welcomes the audience to the San Francisco launch of the new Q1 minitablet from Samsung. The Q1 minitablet, with its 7-inch screen, built-in Bluetooth connectivity and Wi-Fi wireless capabilities, will sell for $1,099.
A Samsung representative makes his way across the room to talk to potential consumers about the various features of the new Q1. The Q1 will be available May 7 at Best Buy’s online store and will make its way into Best Buy’s retail stores later this month.
The new Q1 minitablet works as a handheld PC, as well as a functional laptop once the keyboard accessory is attached.
The new Q1 mintablet from Samsung offers the same features as a portable laptop, with controls on the front as well as on the sides.
Representatives from Samsung, Intel and Microsoft that went around to each table to discuss specific details of the new Q1 minitablet.
H.S. Kim, exective vice president of Samsung Electronics’ computer system division, delivers the keynote address on the many functions of Samsung’s new Q1 minitablet.
The USB plug-in is just one of the many features the new Samsung Q1 offers.
At the Samsung Q1 launch party in San Francisco, potential consumers have the opportunity to check out the new minitablet’s features.

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