Photos: TechRepublic 10-Year Anniversary Event
Jason Hiner
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TechRepublic's 10-year birthday cake
TechRepublic celebrated its 10th anniversary with a community event on June 26-27, 2009 in Louisville, Kentucky, where TechRepublic was founded and where its editorial department still has its headquarters today.
Jerry Taylor (BFilmFan) set his GPS for Louisville
TechRepublic members gather in the CBSi office in Louisville for a tour
TechRepublic members tour the Louisville CBSi office
TechRepublic members tour the Louisville CBSi office
TR members photograph the 46-inch LCD in Jason Hiner's office
Sonja Thompson in the TechRepublic podcast studio
Sonja shows the TechRepublic video studio
Michael Jay takes the director board in TR studio
Mini TR flags lined up on the top of a cubicle
Scott Lowe, jdclyde, and Chad Perrin during CBSi office tour
TR product team in conference room, photographed during office tour
TR member photographed the geese next to the TR office
The Hilton Garden Inn Northeast in Louisville
TechRepublic swag bag for attendees
The program for the TR10 event
Jason Hiner and Rick Vanover set up projector
Jason Hiner gets his laptop set up for the event
Laptop ready, projector ready
Bill Detwiler and Jason Hiner finish preparations
Bill Detwiler and Chris McElhone set up video streaming
Bill Detwiler connects video camera to Ustream
Camera guys get the video set up
CBSi engineers gather for TR10 event
TechRepublic members get seated for TR10 event
Sonja Thompson kicks off the TR10 event
Jason Hiner explains the TechRepublic story
Toni Bowers tells how TechRepublic took a different approach to editorial
Scott Lowe speaks at TR10 event
Justin James speaks at TR10 event
TechRepublic moderator Tammy Cavadias speaks at TR10 event
Rick Vanover speaks at TR10 event
Chad Perrin (apotheon) speaks at TR10 event
Charlie Spencer (Palmetto) speaks at TR10 event
Jeff (jdclyde) speaks at TR10 event
Former staff Angela Lawson speaks at TR10 event
VP of TR/ZDNet Doug Llewellyn speaks at TR10 event
Members who couldn't be at the event sent video and audio messages
At the end, TR staff gave out door prizes from Cracking Open
Sonja Thompson, Jason Hiner, and Bill Detwiler hand out door prizes
Jeff (jdclyde) shows off his new t-shirt
Lynn (gadgetgirl) came all the way from the U.K.
Sonja Thompson and Jerry Taylor (BFilmFan)
Lynn (gadgetgirl) and Jerry Taylor (BFilmFan)
Sonja Thompson and Lynn (gadgetgirl)
Tricia (TiggerTwo) and Shelley (Shellbot)
jdclyde had his video camera going
Palmetto shows off his gag gift helmet
Staff members Tahiarah Gettis and Mary Weilage
Michael Jay
Bill Detwiler and Jason Hiner
On Friday night, the festivities moved to the Fox and Hound Pub and Grill
Sonja Thompson cuts the TechRepublic birthday cake
Tammy Cavadias gets ready to play pool
Michael Jay at the pool table
Chad Perrin at the pool table
Rick Vanover, Scott Lowe, and Mark Kaelin
Bill Detwiler at the shuffleboard table
Brunch was at world-famous Lynn's Paradise Cafe on Saturday morning
Sonja with the Flip Video
Bill Detwiler and Sonja Thompson
Mary Weilage and Tammy Cavadias
santeewelding and boxfiddler
Jason taking an iPhone photo at Lynn's
TR members kick back at Hilton Garden Inn
JamesRL, Sonja, and Michael Jay take it easy on the patio at the Hilton
TR members brave the Louisville heat to chat on the Hilton patio
Jason Hiner
Jason Hiner is Editorial Director of CNET and former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic. He's co-author of the book, Follow the Geeks.
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