Replace Google Reader with one of these five apps
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Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: CommaFeed
ntThis gallery is also available as an article in the TechRepublic Five Apps Blog.
ntCommaFeed has a very basic, simple web interface. Importing feeds from Google Reader is automated.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: CommaFeed 2
ntCommaFeed also looks pretty good in iPad Safari. The top half of the page title is cut off due to their notice that they are “working on performance issues”.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: Skimr
ntSkimr also has a clean interface, however it does not display unread counts. Read items are shown by graying out the text. Imports are accomplished through an OPML file.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: Skimr 2
ntIndividual feed items appear as bubbles that link to the full page on the source web site. Images can be turned on and off via the button at the top.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: News360
ntNews360 imports your feeds from Google Reader and other sources but in a non-traditional manner. Instead of directly using RSS, it has its own feeds that it matches with your RSS imports and offers those as options.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: News360 2
ntNews360’s interface is a little more dressed up than CommaFeed, Skimr, and Bloglines.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: News360 3
ntOn the mobile app (iPad shown here), News360 shows tiles for each article. It attempts to learn your preferences and shows you what it thinks are your most important articles first.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: Pulse
ntPulse imports your feed listing directly from Google Reader and displays feed items in a tiled layout in the web browser. Tile layout is adjustable using the 3 settings at the top right of the screen.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: Pulse 2
ntThe tablet app (iPad shown here) for Pulse shows each feed in a folder as a line with each item as a tile in that line.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: Bloglines
ntBloglines is another simple, clean feed reader that imports from OPML files.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic
Five More Apps to replace Google Reader: Bloglines 3
ntBloglines looks basically the same on the iPad as it does on the desktop.
ntImage by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic