Screenshots: Apple’s new iOS 7
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Apple's new iOS 7 release
rnApple has introduced arncleaner, fresher design within its new iOS 7 release. Menu transparency isrnfavored, while blocky or obstructive elements are largely eliminated, in anrneffort to encourage simplicity and improve ease of operation.
iOS 7 Passcode screen
rniOS 7’s new Passcode screenrnis less bulky and provides access to larger keys to simplify device andrnapplication access.
iOS 7 Control Center
rnThe new Control Centerrnprovides quick access to commonly used settings, including iTunes music, arnflashlight utility, Airplane mode, and more. The Control Center also receivesrnits own settings applet within the updated Settings menu, which enablesrncustomization.
Refreshed iOS 7 interface
rnThe refreshed iOS 7 interfacernboasts redesigned app icons and a more seamless overlook appearancerncompared to earlier iOS versions. While this is a still image, Apple has takenrnpains to add visual appeal by including dynamic wallpapers in which elementsrnmove, a design element that will surely prove to be a common future standard.
Refreshed iOS 7 Maps app
rnThe refreshed Maps apprnincludes a 3D view and critical features like turn-by-turn directions arernstill included. The app estimates travel times for users too.
iOS 7 Settings menu
rnThe iOS 7 Settings menurnbenefits from the same new streamlined user interface. Here you can see thernredesigned Settings menu, which now includes options for the new Control Centerrnfeature.
Control Center Lock Screen options
Users can disable the Control Center from the Lock Screen using the Control Center’s Settings options. Users can alsorntoggle Control Center’s accessibility from within apps.
iOS 7 Notification Center settings
rnNotification Centerrnsettings allow you to enable and disable a wide variety of elements, includingrnCalendar Daily View, Stocks, and Reminders.
iOS 7 Settings on an iPad Mini
rniPads also benefit from iOS 7, which fuels the popular tablet devices. This iPad Mini screenshotrndisplays the additional information the tablet’s larger display can presentrnusers for the same Notification Center optional settings.
iOS 7 Privacy Settings
rnFollowing 2013’srnrevelations of government monitoring, privacy and security issues have neverrnreceived more attention. iOS 7’s Privacy Settings won’t guarantee that proprietaryrninformation or sensitive videos and photographs will remain private, but users canrnat least configure numerous settings to help protect such information fromrnunauthorized access.
Apple's new Weather app
rnApple’s new Weather app isrnsimple. It changes the wallpaper to match the time of day and weather conditions andrnmakes preparing for the commute, offsite meetings, and even business trips andrnconferences easy. The beauty of the app is the amount of information itrndelivers at a single glance.
Apple’s iOS 7 Calendar interface
Apple’s iOS 7 Calendar interface is much cleaner and simplifiesrnnavigation between days and months.
Monthly Calendar view in iOS 7
Calendar displays are morerneasily read and navigated, including this this monthly view in iOS 7.
Do Not Disturb settings
rnDo Not Disturb settings,rnaccessed from the Settings menu, enable users to customize whether incoming callrnalerts are received, permit calls from Favorites even when the device isrnset to silenced mode, and allow a call to come through when a second call isrnreceived from the same party within three minutes, among other options.
Email configuration in iOS 7
Email account configuration and settings are largelyrnunchanged in iOS 7. From the Mail, Contacts, Calendars options within Settings,rnusers can add new accounts and change configuration settings for activernaccounts, including how much of an email preview appears.
iOS 7 Maps settings
rnMaps even possessesrncustomizable settings. Users can adjust the volume for turn-by-turn directionsrnand adjust the distance measurement from miles.
Safari options in iOS 7
rniOS 7 users can changerntheir search engine preference within the Safari options. Users can also specify if they want links to open in new pages and whetherrnpop-up blocking should be enabled.
Pages settings
rnPages, Apple’s wordrnprocessing alternative to Microsoft Word, possesses its own settings.rnUsers can confirm their Pages version and enable iCloud access, among otherrnoptions, using Pages’ settings.
Numbers settings
rnNumbers, Apple’srnspreadsheet alternative to Microsoft Excel, also has optional settings.
iOS 7 wallpaper
rnApple has included an arrayrnof attractive dynamic and still wallpapers. The dynamic wallpapers provide subtle movement that increases the device’s appeal and helps add personality to the handset or tablet. iOS 7 users will also enjoy the newrnstill-motion wallpaper images, like the starry sky view thatrnappears to ever-so-slightly change position when the device is rotated.
Pages in iOS 7
rnHere’s a look at therndocuments view of Pages when run in iOS 7 on an iPad Mini.
Pages' tutorial in iOS 7
rnHere’s a look at Pages’rntutorial run on iOS 7 on an iPad Mini.
Numbers' tutorial in iOS 7
Numbers includes an excellent tutorial that helps get usersrnup to speed quickly using the spreadsheet application on iOS 7-powered iPhonesrnand iPads.
Newsstand in iOS 7
rnNewsstand, an excellentrnmethod of keeping up with news, industry information and personal interests,rnreceives the same iOS 7 makeover. Individual titles are easily accessible andrnappear positioned on shelves within an interface possessing the same minimal,rnunobstructed design as the rest of iOS 7.
Safari in iOS 7
rnSafari receives a muchrncleaner look on iOS 7. If no previous web page is available, Safari defaults tornpresenting a graphical view of the application’s bookmarks.
Notification Center view in iOS 7
A simple swipe from the top of the screen down reveals thisrnNotification Center view. In addition to presenting calendar and emailrnalerts, the Notification Center can present weather, Amber Alerts, Twitter updates, sportsrnscores, news headlines, a confirmation that applications were updated, and more.
Camera app in iOS 7
rniOS updates the Camera app,rntoo. A new Square option is included for shooting photos. New filters arernavailable, meaning many users may no longer require third-party software torntweak and otherwise add simple effects to photographs.
iOS 7 widescreen photo orientation
rnThe Camera app’srntraditional widescreen photo orientation remains available within iOS 7, as shown here.

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