Screenshots: Create your own Windows 8.1 DVD
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Get the ISO you need to create your own Windows 8.1 DVD
Get the ISO you need to create your own Windows 8.1 DVD

The Upgrade Windows with only a product key site has links to download both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
The Upgrade Windows with only a product key site has links to download both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
Well, fortunately some enterprising folks have discovered arnway to trick the Upgrade Windows with only a product keyrnsite into allowing you to download a Windows 8.1 ISO using a Windows 8rnproduct key. While this really cool trick has been published on multiple sitesrnon the Web, not all of these sites give the full set of steps that you need tornperform the operation. For instance, many of the sites direct you to the Upgrade Windows with only a product keyrnsite as the first step, but they do not mention that in order for this trick tornwork, to be prompted for the product key right away, you have to access thernsite from a computer running Windows 7.
So, in this article, I’ll show you the complete procedurernfor downloading a Windows 8.1 ISO using a Windows 8 product key.
Note: Even though the endrnresult of this trick is have a Windows 8.1 DVD, keep in mind that this DVD canrnonly be used to perform a Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 upgrade. You cannot use itrnto perform a clean install of Windows 8.1.
What you’ll need
Before you get started, you’ll need to have access tornseveral things. First you’ll need your Windows 8 Product Key and it has to bernfrom a retail version of the product. In other words, if you received arncomputer with Windows 8 preinstalled, then you have an OEM Product Key and yourncannot use that type of key for this procedure.
So if you either purchased a Windows 8 DVD at your localrncomputer store or downloaded Windows 8 from Microsoft, then you’re all set torngo.
As I mentioned, you’ll need to perform this trick from arnWindows 7 system. As you seek out a Windows 7 system to use, be sure that it isrnhas the same processor type as yournare using on the Windows 8 system that you want to upgrade to Windows 8.1. (Byrnprocessor type, I mean 32-bit vs. 64-bit.) The reason for this is that thernprocessor type in the system that you use to download Windows 8.1, willrndetermine the version of Windows 8.1 that you’ll end up with.
For example, if your Windows 8 system is running a 64-bitrnprocessor, then you’ll want to use a Windows 7 system with a 64-bit processor.rnYou’ll then end up with a 64-bit version of Windows 8.1.
Still with me? Okay, then let’s get started.
Getting started
rnrnOnce you have located arnproper Windows 7 system, fire up your Web browser of choice and point it to thernUpgradernWindows with only a product key site. When you arrive, you’ll find that thernpage contains links to download both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, as shown in Figure B. Unfortunately, you cannotrnjust click the Windows 8.1 download button unless you have a Windows 8.1rnProduct Key from a retail version of the product. So, you’ll have to use thernfollowing technique.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic

You click Run in both of these Security Warning dialog boxes
You click Run in both of these Security Warning dialog boxes
To begin, click the Install Windows 8 button. When you do,rnyou’ll be successively prompted by the two Security Warning dialog boxes shownrnin Figure C. You’ll click Run inrnboth instances.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Wait for your Windows 8 product key to be verified
You’ll then see the first screen in the Windows 8 Setuprnwizard, which prompts you for a Product Key. At this point, enter your Windowsrn8 product key and wait for it to be verified, as shown in Figure D.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic

You'll see the Windows 8 edition connected with your download
You'll see the Windows 8 edition connected with your download
To continue, click Next. The next screen in the Windows 8rnSetup wizard, will identify the edition of Windows 8, as shown in Figure E.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Click the close button to abort the download
Editor’s Note: Here isrnthe trick part.
When you click Next, the Windows 8 download will begin. Asrnsoon as it passes the 1% mark, click the close button in the upper right cornerrnof the screen. When you do, you’ll be prompted to confirm that you want to quitrnthe download operation, as shown in FigurernF. To continue, click Yes.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic

The Windows 8.1 download will begin as soon as you click Run in the last Security Warning dialog box
The Windows 8.1 download will begin as soon as you click Run in the last Security Warning dialog box
Downloading the Windows 8.1 ISO
When you abort the Windows 8 download operation, you’llrnreturn to the Upgrade Windows with only a product key site. At this point,rnclick the Install Windows 8.1 button. When you do, you’ll see two SecurityrnWarning dialog boxes similar to the ones shown earlier and will click Run inrnboth instances. You’ll then see the Windows 8.1 Setup windows and the download willrnbegin, as shown in Figure G.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic

As the download completes it will be checked and the files made ready
As the download completes it will be checked and the files made ready
As the operation nears completion, the download will bernchecked and the files made ready, as shown in Figure H.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
You'll want to select the ISO file option
Once the download is complete, checked, and the files arernready, the Setup wizard will prompt you to choose how you want to installrnWindows 8.1. At this point, you’ll select the Install by creating media option,rnand click Next. You’ll then want to select the ISO File option. These two stepsrnare illustrated in Figure I.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
After the ISO file is created, select Open DVD burner
I recommend that you select the ISO File option even if yournplan to use a USB Flash Drive to actually install Windows 8.1 on your system.rnCreating an ISO file will provide you the best result because it will allow yournto burn a DVD, which will give you a backup, and because Windows 8 and Windowsrn8.1 have the capability to natively mount an ISO file, you’ll be able to openrnthe ISO and copy the files it contains to an appropriately sized USB FlashrnDrive.
After specifying a location on your hard disk to create thernISO file, the Windows 8.1 Setup wizard will create the ISO file, remind you ofrnthe Product key, and then prompt you to Open the DVD burner. These steps arernillustrated in Figure J.
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic

Windows 7's Windows Disc Image Burner makes it easy to convert the ISO file to DVD
Windows 7's Windows Disc Image Burner makes it easy to convert the ISO file to DVD
Burn the ISO to DVD
Burning the ISO to DVD in Windows 7 is an easy procedurernwith the built-in Windows Disc Image Burner. When you see the Windows DiscrnImage Burner window, insert a DVD disc, and select the Verify disc afterrnburning check box. Then click the Burn button. The burn operation will take arnfew minutes to complete. These steps are illustrated in Figure K.
What’s your take?
Do you have two or more Windows 8 systems that you want tornupgrade to Windows 8.1? If so, will you use this technique to create a Windowsrn8.1 DVD? As always, if you have comments or information to share about thisrntopic, please take a moment to drop by the TechRepublic Community Forums andrnlet us hear from you.
Also read:
- rn
- Dealrn with the SecureBoot isn’t configured correctly watermark in Windows 8.1
- Quickrn Tip: Change Microsoft live to a local account in Windows 8.1
- Creatern ISO files in Windows 8
rnrnCredit: Image by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
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