Screenshots: Five apps perfectly suited for a one-person IT shop
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You’ve broken out on your own to start arnone-person IT shop. To do this successfully, you’re going to need a bit of helprnto make the daily grind, well, a grind. Since you’re an “army of one,”rnyou can’t hire support staff to keep you organized, get you paid, keep anrninventory… etc. To keep from losing your mind (or your shirt), you’ll need arnfew apps to pick up the slack. Fortunately, there are plenty of good onesrnavailable to keep your efforts moving forward.
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Invoice2go offers a free trial. Once therntrial is up, you’ll have to choose from one of three plans (ranging fromrn$19/year to $149/year). Check out their plan matrix here.
Square Register
When you sign up for an account, you will bernshipped a free card reader that works with both Android and iOS. Simply plugrnthe reader in and start taking payments. Of course, Square does chargernprocessing fees. To learn about all the fees, go to the Payment and Processing Fees page.
Square offers both email and phone options for support. rnFor more information on contacting Square, you can check out its support page.
Goods Order Inventory Pro
If you’re concerned about having to enter allrnyour inventory from a mobile device, fear not. You can enter everything fromrnyour Goods Order Inventory Pro account via the easy to use web interface. You can use the app and service for free,rnbut you’re limited to one user and up to 25 products. For more users andrnproducts, check out the pricing matrix.
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