Screenshots: Google Search App for Windows 8
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Quick Tip: Use Google's Search app on Windows 8
Thisrngallery is also available as a TechRepublic article.
Wikipedia states thatrn”60 million Windows 8rnlicenses have been sold” as far back as January of 2013. Furthermore,rnaccording to Alex Wilhelm of, Windows 8 reached 8rnpercent market share in September of 2013. With these figures in mind, I’vernbeen doing some testing with Windows 8 to get more familiar with the operatingrnsystem. Nobody at my business has deployed it yet and we’re happily runningrnWindows 7 at my house, so this was the first time I really got a hands-on lookrnat Microsoft’s new OS.
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure A
My verdict? The interface has some challenges u2013 if you approach it fromrnthe expectation that it will work in the same manner as prior Windows versions.rnAt first I was harshly critical of Windows 8 due to the missing Start button (frankly,rnI missed the train on the whole “pinning apps to the Taskbar” concept,rnsince I like things tucked away neatly until I need them) and the way-too-busy Metrornscreen which reminds me of the flashy Las Vegas Strip. There is also the factrnthat navigating to familiar functions involves some seemingly tedious andrnunnecessary changes. Swipes, hotkeys and other non-intuitive procedures boggedrnme down. Furthermore, I have some concerns about the quality of the functionsrnrunning underneath the interface as well (see “A word about the WindowsrnStore” below).
I approach new technology from the mindset that if it’s well-designed Irnshould be able to mind-meld with it and figure things out on my own. However,rnto be fair, one size doesn’t always fit all. It’s impossible to really judge thernWindows 8 interface without reading instruction guides, any more than you mightrntry to fly a helicopter by playing with the collective or the pedals. Articlesrnsuch as “Thern10 most useful Windows 7 and Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts” and “Arnlook at some Microsoft Windows 8.1 highlights” can help prepare yournfor the new OS, and a detailedrnvideo by Scott Hanselman can also be educational. These brought me to arnpoint of semi-comfort where I could limp along to find the functions I needed.
Search application
Fortunately, add-ons are also there to help improve the experience andrnallow you to be more productive so you spend less time spinning your wheels. Classic Shell, for instance, can helprnrestore familiarity to the Windows interface so you can get work done. On thatrnsame note, Google provides a search application which can be useful for Windowsrn8 users. Not only can you perform traditional search functions, but the programrnlinks you to other Google services such as Gmail, Calendar, Maps and Drive. Let’srnsee how it works.
(Note: A Microsoft account is required for this process. I tested thernsteps below on the standard Windows 8 release; I think the process andrnoperation of the add-on should be the same for Windows 8.1 but if you try itrnand find out otherwise please let me know in the Comments section).
You can find the Google Search app by opening the Windows Store tilernfrom the Metro screen, pressing Win-Q to bring up the search box (Figure A) andrnentering “Google Search” (if you take this route, skip down to the “FigurernB” screenshot).
An easier method is to accessrnthe Google Search app installation page directly in your browser.
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure B
Click “View in Windows Store.”
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure C
Click the “Install” box and the installation will proceed (ifrnprompted enter your Microsoft account credentials during this process).
The text “Installing Google Search” should be displayed in thernupper right. When the process has completed a box will notify you that therninstallation has finished.
rnrnReturn to the main Metro screen and you will seernthe new Google tile, (Figure C)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure D
A word about the Windows Store
The above process is easy – assuming Windows 8 will allow you to accessrnthe Windows Store. I had some frustrating issues which I eventuallyrnstraightened out, and they are as follows:
-I couldn’t open the Store on my test Windows 8 virtual machine due to anrnerror stating “We weren’t able to connect to the Store. This might havernhappened because of a server problem or the network connection timed out.rnPlease wait a few minutes and try again.” The Internet connection wasrnconfirmed to be fully functional. Recommendations I found online to make surernthe date/time were correct and confirm the proxy server settings did not help. Irnthink the issue was related to the fact I couldn’t sign into my Microsoftrnaccount on this system using the “Charms bar / Settings / Change PCrnSettings / Users” option; I kept getting the error that “This servicernisn’t available right now – please try again later.”
-I switched from my test Windows 8 VM to a physical Windows 8 laptop,rnlogging in as the local administrator since the laptop was not on my domain. However,rnI still couldn’t access the Windows store due to an error that “Store can’trnbe opened using the built-in administrator account. Sign in with a differentrnaccount and try again.”
-I joined the laptop to the domain and signed in with my domain account.rnI was still unable to access the Store because of an error stating: “YourrnPC isn’t connected to the Internet.” Once again, the Internet connectionrnwas confirmed functional; the issue seemed to have been a refusal on the partrnof the Store app to use my proxy server.
-Finally I connected the laptop directly to the Internet via a wirelessrnconnection then tried again. I was told I needed to enable User Account Controlrnto get to the Store. Summoning what remained of my patience, I did so, rebooted,rnand then logged back into Windows. At long last, after I accessed the Store andrnlogged in with my Microsoft account, I was able to proceed with therninstallation of the Google Search app. Then I went to find some champagne.
In a word: unacceptable. Hopefully your results with the Windows Store havernbeen better.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming
Now that the Google Search tile is present in your Metro screen, click “Google”rnand the following tutorial will load (assuming you’re running this for thernfirst time). (Figure D)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure E
You can click “ClosernTutorial” to start using the app right away, but if you click “Next”rnthe tutorial will take you through the following helpful screens. (Figures E,rnF, G, H, and I)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure F
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure G
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure H
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure I
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure J
Once you get to the final screen I recommend clicking “Sign in tornyour Google Account” since you’ll need to do this to get the most benefitrnfrom the Search app.
rnrnOnce you’ve signed in, you will receive thernfollowing prompt. (Figure J)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure K
Choose “Allow” or “Block” depending on yourrnpreference.
At last you will see the Google Search app interface, shown in Figure K.
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure L
From this portal you can conduct a web search, view your History, accessrnyour Google Applications or use the Voice Search function.
rnrnFor instance, when I clicked “History”rnmy recent web searches showed up right away. (Figure L)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure M
(OK, I’ll admit it u2013 even us system admins consult the Google for tipsrnon things like searching in the Windows app store)
rnrnClicking the “Applications” iconrndisplayed the following icons. (Figure M)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure N
And finally, when I accessed the “Voice Search” function I wasrnprompted whether Google Search could use my microphone. (Figure N)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure O
I clicked “Allow” and then the feature was available. (FigurernO)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure P
Simple and straightforward
The singer Morrissey recorded a song titled “You’re gonna need someone onrnyour side” for his album “Your Arsenal,” released in 1992. Thernsong came to mind during this process because I found the Google Search app arnfriendly addition to an otherwise complex environment that didn’t always wantrnto play nicely.
The cool thing about this program is that it’s laid out intuitively withrnno surprises or potholes. Of course, you can get to these same functions viarnyour browser, but it’s handy to have these shortcuts for direct access.
rnrnOn last thing to point out: I mentioned the freernadd-on “Classic Shell“rnwhich can bring the traditional start menu back to Windows 8. (Figure P)
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.
Figure Q
Windows 8.1 has a start button of sorts, which resembles the following.rn(Figure Q)
Regardless of what your choice may be (or whether the default interfacernworks fine for you), it’s nice to have choices, period.
Credit: Images byrnScott Matteson for TechRepublic.

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