Screenshots: Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
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Mac OS X Yosemite
Boasting a fresh and clean interface, OS X Yosemite offersrnseveral new features destined to change the way users create, edit, and sharernfiles, locate relevant information when performing searches, tighten iOS devicernintegration, and more. Here’s a look at some of the more compelling innovativernfeatures Yosemite packs.
App Store
Just as with previous OS X versions, Apple’s App Store isrnintegrated within Yosemite. The App Store provides easy access to downloadingrnnew applications and programs. The App Store also proves critical inrndownloading and installing application updates. Rather than have to accessrnupdates independently from each application installed on a Mac, the App Storernenables consolidating application management within a single console, arnrefreshing approach vs. the more tiresome and disjointed method of having torntrack each individual application’s version status independently.
Bluetooth Preferences
Yosemite’s Phone capabilities enable users to make andrnreceive calls using their Macs. Bluetooth preferences help users confirm thernrequired peripherals are properly connected.
Yosemite’s Dock boasts many colorful, updated, and simplifiedrnicons, including those for Finder, Safari, and iTunes. The freshened iconrnapproach is consistent with Apple’s larger effort to simplify and smoothrnwindows and corresponding design elements, making the new release lessrnintrusive and easier to navigate.
Finder’s icons received a freshening up in Yosemite. Indexed tabs, introduced in earlier Finderrnversions, help simplify operation and prevent the need to open multiple Finderrnwindows. iCloud Drive now appears, too, as a location within Yosemite’s Finder.
iCloud Drive Options
iCloud Drive settings, and application activation, are setrnusing iCloud Drive options. The iCloud Drive options are accessible from therniCloud entry within System Preferences.
Numerous improvements are packed within Yosemite’s Mailrnapplication. Mail Drop simplifies sending large attachments up to 5 GB in size.rnMarkup enables editing images and forms directly within Mail. Handoff enablesrnstarting a message on one device and finishing and sending the email fromrnanother.
Markup, a new annotation and editing tool included directlyrnwithin Mail messages, makes it even easier for teams to collaborate and, inrnthis case, point out misspellings.
New Email
The new mail window is simple and straightforward inrnYosemite.
Notification Center
Notification Center is almost endlessly customizable. A newrnToday view presents the day’s events, reminders, and appointments. Third-partyrnwidgets become available within Yosemite to enable further customization, whilernweather, stock, reminders and other alerts are also available for display.
Notifications Preferences
Notification settings are almost infinitely customizable.rnThe Notifications Preferences, accessed from System Preferences, provide a myriadrncollection of applications and settings that can be changed for each program.rnThe flexibility enables business professionals to better tailor notificationsrnto the unique needs of their occupation.
System Information
A Mac’s system information remains readily accessible byrnclicking the Apple icon in the screen’s top left corner and selecting AboutrnThis Mac.
Telephone Call
Yosemite’s tighter smartphone and desktop/laptop integrationrnis keenly on display with Yosemite’s new Phone capability. With Yosemite andrniOS 8, users can now receive and send phone calls using their Mac. Callrnmanagement software is baked into the new OS.
Yosemite desktop
Here is the Yosemite desktop, as seen on a 13-inch MacBookrnPro. In addition to a cleaner, elegant look, icons are noticeably simplifiedrnand windows’ hard edges are removed, while window elements (maximize, minimize,rnclose) are also tidier and relocated to ease navigation.

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