Screenshots: Use ISO Recorder to create an ISO
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Create ISO files in Windows 8
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I recentlyrnreceived an email message from a reader who had installed Windows XP in arnClient Hyper-V virtual machine on a Windows 8 desktop machine and now wanted torndo the same on her tablet PC running Windows 8. However, the tablet did notrnhave an optical disc drive and she wondered what would be the best way to solvernthe problem.
As you know, onernof the new features in Windows 8 is the ability to natively open and view ISOrnand VHD files right from File Explorer. I showed you the VHD feature in arnrecent article, Restore individual files from a System Image in Windows 8, but I have not really examined the ISOrnprocess in any detail; however, it is just as slick and will solve half of thernproblem. The other half of the problem can also be solved by using a simplernthird-party tool called ISO Recorder.
Thus, I told thernreader that she could create an ISO file of her Windows XP CD, copy that ISOrnfile to the tablet, and then use it to install XP in a Client Hyper-V virtualrnmachine
In this article,rnI’ll show you how to use ISO Recorder to create an ISO. As I do, I’ll show yournhow Windows 8’s native ISO reader works.
Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
The setup wizard will guide you through the steps to install ISO Recorder
Getting ISO Recorder
ISO Recorder is arnsimple Power Tool-like utility created by Alex Feinman for Windows 7 that worksrnperfectly in Windows 8. It doesn’t come with a lot of bells and whistles, butrndoes the job of creating ISO files very efficiently. In addition to creating anrnISO file from optical discs, ISO Recorder will allow you to create ISO filesrnfrom folders.
When you arrivernat the ISO Recorder download page, you’ll see that the Windows 7 edition of ISO Recorder is labeled versionrn3.1 and that there are downloads for both 32-bit ad 64-bit.
rnrnOncernyou download the MSI installation file, just launch it and follow along withrnthe ISO Recorder Setup Wizard, shown in FigurernA.
Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Select the Take No Action choice
Creating the ISO file
rnrnAfterrnISO Recorder is installed in Windows 8, insert your Windows XP CD into thernoptical drive. When the toast appears in the upper right corner, click it andrnthen select the Take No Action choice, as shown in Figure B.
Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Select the Create Image from CD/DVD command on the context menu
Now, launch Computer, right click on the optical discrndrive and select the Create Image from CD/DVD command that now appears on therncontext menu, as shown in Figure C.
Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Creating an ISO file with ISO Recorder is a straightforward procedure
In a moment, you’ll see the opening screen of ISOrnRecorder showing the source and destination. You can specify a differentrndestination if you wish or just click Next. Once the operation is under way,rnyou’ll see a progress bar that will keep you apprised of operation. Thisrnprocess is illustrated in Figure D.
Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
Select the Mount icon on the Disc Image Tools - Manage tab
Mounting the ISO file
rnrnOncernyou have created an ISO file, mounting it in Windows 8 is easy. To begin,rnlaunch File Explorer, access the location, and then select the ISO file. Whenrnyou do, you’ll see the Disc Image Tools – Manage tab appear in File Explorerrnand will select it. You’ll then select the Mount button, as shown in Figure E.
Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
When Windows 8 mounts an ISO file, it automatically assigns it a drive letter
As soon as yourndo, Windows 8 will mount the ISO file and assign it a drive letter. At thisrnpoint, you’ll essentially have a virtual optical disc drive and you’ll see therncontents from the Windows XP CD, as shown in Figure F.
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You'll use the Eject button to dismount the ISO file
Dismounting an ISO file
When you arernfinished using the ISO file you’ll dismount it using thernEject command. To do so, launch Computer and select your virtual optical discrndrive. When you select the Disc Image Tools – Manage tab, you can just clickrnthe Eject button, as shown in Figure G.
What’s your take?
rnrnArernyou planning to create a Windows XP virtual machine in Windows 8 Client Hyper-V?rnIf so, will you use the technique shown in this article? As always, if you haverncomments or information to share about this topic, please take a moment to droprnby the TechRepublic Community Forums and let us hear from you.
Images by Greg Shultz for TechRepublic
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