Several areas of interest in Outland in the World of Warcraft
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By David V. deMoya
Lisettea on the edge.
By David V. deMoya
Lisettea on the edge.
The Burning Crusades expansion for World of Warcraft includes several new zones for players level 58 to 70 to explore and conquer. The following are just a few of the interesting things that Lisettea has come across in her travels. Lisettea is a level 70 Blood Elf Rogue, and an officer of the guild Technologia.
The other guildies kid me because I occasionally fall off the edge of the world. As you can see here, it’s not all that hard. Outlands is a planet that has been blasted into many pieces by magical forces beyond our comprehension.

Gaining reputation with the Consortium
Gaining reputation with the Consortium
This is my Consortium contact in Area 52, the Goblin city in the zone of Netherstorm. The Consortium is a loosley affiliated cartel of ethereal smugglers, traders and thieves that have come to Outland to benefit from its riches. My kind of folks!

Lisettea and Nixa in Blades Edge Mountains
Lisettea and Nixa in Blades Edge Mountains
Nix and Lis prepare to do battle in Blades Edge.
Curse You!
Lis was assigned the task of cursing several of the ogre buildings in Bladespire Hold in Blades’s Edge Mountains. Cursing the building cause some evil spirits to manifest themselves however, and they had to be dispatched the old fashioned way.
I'd be angry too
This fellow seems a tad bit pissed off. Someone has hung lanterns from his ears. I’d be angry too if I looked this rediculous!
TelRedor is the alliance base in Zangarmarsh. It’s built on the top of a huge mushroom. Not sure I’d want to live there.
More Lantern Earings
No wonder all these mobs in Outland are so angry. These particular Voidwalkers have ugly ear rings.
Etherium Staging Grounds
A large base of rogue etherials have gathered below Manaforge Ultris in Netherstorm. The etherials are a neferious bunch, and have to be delt with accordingly.
Forge Base Oblivian
Hey, that’s where all those Fel Reavers are coming from!
One has to be extremly careful not to click the wrong button when flying in Outlands. For instance, clicking a spell button can cause you to unmount at a very inconvientent time!
Saftey First whey flying!
Lis’s mount wears a helmet and kneepads when flying just in case! Doesn’t he look happy?
The Houndmaster
Oh, he’s summoning Hell Hounds!
Elk to the rescue
Elkwinkarma takes exception to the works of demons (except for his own of course) and dispatches the houndmaster with the help of a few treants, Nix, and Lis.
Barrow Den
A barrow den in Blade’s Spire Mountains. Elk seems to think maybe some of his relatives are here.
Keres too
Is this a family reunion? Who brought the keg?
Somebody feed this dragon
This poor fellow in the Bone Wastes of Terrokar Forrest looks like he’s been off his kibble for a while. Fortunately Nix put him out of his misery.
Hey Birdie!
At least this bird in the Bone Wastes is looking healthy. At least until we killed it that is.
The greatmother is the mother of the Horde Warchief Thrall, and spiritual leader of all horde in the outlands. She lives in the main building in Garadar in the zone of Nagrand
Skyguard landing pad
The skyguard launch many missions protecting the skys from this landing pad in the Skettis Mountains in Terrokar. Notice the skyguard use Aether Rays as flying mounts. Gaining exhaulted reputation with the Skyguard allows you to purchase Aether Ray’s for your own use. You must have the advanced flying training to ride one.
The Flying Priest
Definately not to be confused with the Flying Nun!
Learning to fly comes with amazing benefits in Outlands. Not only does it open new content not available to the land bound, it allows you to bypass annoying mobs which might do you harm.
Blade’s Edge Mountains can be a dangerous place if you are a dragon!
Another drooley son of Gruul found in Blade’s Edge Mountains. Nix had summoned him forth, but we were forced to await the arrival of our champion Rexar to begin the battle.
Ah, here is Rexar! Stuck on a rock coming to our rescue!
Rexar reminds me of ‘The Tick’. Not only his costume, but the fact that he is stuck on a rock! Nix called a GM who graciously reset the quest for us. This time Rexar and his pig managed to land, and we took out yet another son of Gruul.
All Hail Queen Lissettea!
Upon completion of all the son of Gruul quests on Blade’s Edge Mountains, the ogres make you their queen/king which comes with much celebration.
Ogres really know how to party!
Stay tuned for more adventures of Technologia in the Outlands and Aezeoth. We always welcome new members to the guild. We are playing Horde on Duskwood server, if you would like to join us. Whisper Elkwinkarma, Keres, Lisettea, or Bonky. We’d love to see you there!