Take a virtual tour of The Lounge
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When you enter The Lounge environment, here’s the view that you see. The discotech is across the bridge and to the left. There’s also a store across the bridge and to the right.
Before you go dancing and mingle with the other virtual peeps, it’s important to look your best. In the dressing room, you can change your wardrobe, hair, skin color, height, and facial features.
The Schmoozer tries on a basic black-n-white look.
Pigtails? Bright green shirt? The Schmoozer’s real world friends would never recognize her…
The sporty look is certainly comfortable, but when you’re out on the town socializing, who wants to be that “sweaty”? Also, is that a pink skull and crossbones? What was she thinking??
Hey, don’t all virtual women wear their bikinis when they go out dancing? NOT!!
The Schmoozer finally finds her fashion element. She’s now ready to learn how to socialize in this virtual environment.
A list of commands on the right side of the window allow you to perform various actions. “Look, Ma… no cavities,” says The Schmoozer.
Isn’t this how you flirt? Just clasp your hands behind your back and tuck your chin down so that you can look at your victim – er, I mean object of affection – through your long, luxurious lashes.
Are you trying to sneak up on someone in The Lounge? Make sure you give all of the other virtual peeps the Shhh finger… you know which one that is, right?
For those of you who aren’t up on your IM acronyms, ROTF means rolling on the floor – and yes, The Schmoozer actually does fall down in silent laughter, but that screenshot just looked like she was passed out.
Someone bothering you? Well, you can officially ignore them by setting a control, or you can give them two Shhhh fingers… you know which ones these are, right?
There were a few times when The Schmoozer was confused in The Lounge! Either that, or she had an itchy scalp.
This is the look for I’M BUSY!! The Schmoozer actually had someone give her the Busy finger once… Isn’t there an etiquette code for virtual environments?
The Schmoozer practices her Talk-To-The-Hand gesture for when she runs into Mr. Busy again.
Inside the discotech is a bar, which must be why they have the Vomit option… or it could be so that girls think they look better in their bikinis… or maybe you use it to deter unwanted come-ons. The Schmoozer wonders what people would think if she just walks up to them and Vomits…
The Schmoozer checks out the view while standing on the bridge and facing away from the discotech.
The Schmoozer enjoys the beautiful sunset view.
The Schmoozer stands on the other side of the dock, looking at the city billboard and sunset. Also note the helpful function key guide at the bottom of the screen.
The Schmoozer walks around the town, marveling at the details of her virtual environment.
Inside the virtual store, The Schmoozer checks out the merchandise. Another patron checks out The Schmoozer’s merchandise, as well.
The discotech has a room with several turntables and headphones.
The Schmoozer stops at the bar before going out on the dance floor… you know, to loosen up a little bit. While she’s there, The Schmoozer tells the bartender about all her problems.
While on the dance floor, a System Message appears to EVERYONE that a new DJ will take over in 10 minutes. The Schmoozer wonders if they let EVERYONE know when it’s almost time for last call?
One of the funniest comments The Schmoozer heard during her virtual tour of The Lounge was, “This is like AIM chat on crack.” Addicting? Messed up? Perhaps both…
The Schmoozer decides to rest before leaving The Lounge. She had a great time – saw some incredible graphics, met interesting personalities, listened to enjoyable music – but it’s about time she got back to work.
If the virtual world was too much for you, you’ll be disappointed to know that you can’t drown yourself by jumping off the bridge and into the water. The Lounge environment sets you back on dry land, in the same place you begin your virtual tour. The Schmoozer finally understands what the bikinis are for… what a virtual relief!

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